December 30, 2002

Old age

I found this on slashdot and I thought it might do good reading it.

You know what? (Score:5, Insightful)
by SteweyGriffin (634046) on Saturday December 14, @04:05PM (#4888479)
I plan on living a long, healthy life.

This suit won't apply to me personally. Some people, yes. But those
people are the same folks who eat fast-food once or twice a day, never
exercise, don't have any spiritual beliefs or practices.

Jack La Lanne is nearly 100 years old, yet he looks 65 and still works
out every day. I was born in the 1970s, and I plan on living well into
my 120s and 130s. I'm not kidding.

- Eat healthy food. Pretend you're a car. Would you put sugar into your
gas tank? Of course not. So don't eat junk food either.
- Exercise. It keeps your mind clean and your body healthy.
- Listen to music. It soothes the soul. Playing music is even better.
- Smile a lot. Be happy. Happy people live longer. They like being
- Have sex/masturbate frequently. The chemicals released during sexual
activity make you feel better and aid normal day-to-day activities.
- Don't smoke.
- Don't drink.
- Have beliefs. There has to be some spiritual basis in your mind. You
don't have to be Catholic or anything, but that doesn't mean you can't
do yoga or pray to some higher power.

Quit your Coca-Cola + Frito Lay + Computer habit that dominates many of
your lives. I eat pears, apple slices with peanut butter, celery &
peanut butter, raisins, nuts, cereal, etc. while at the computer. Most
of you probably don't. Ditch those M&Ms for some healthy trail mix!

Oh God, and please smile too! Life isn't that rough. It'll be better if
you take things as they come. Just ENJOY being alive! Life is
interesting if nothing else.

And keep games to moderation. This includes Slashdot. Too much of any
one thing is bad. Life your life in moderation. Sleep well!

Good things will come, and you and I will still be roaming these hills
for 100+ years to come! © 2025
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