February 6, 2003

My trip to california in 90.3 seconds.

I figured it would take some cool graphics and links to help draw readers back to the site after its downfall. (Repeated downfalls.)

Let me first present to you, My trip to california in 90.3 seconds!
You can download it here. (Still making it come back later)

I've also found a few cool links in my travels over the past few days. Andy Foulds Design falls under the catagory "What the hell do I do with it?" Its a really cool website wich has a bunch of proof of concept flash designs. Everything from test user interfaces to a peep show. (The peep show being the only bit of content that I wouldn't exactly show your young kids - but they wouldn't be able to figure out the interface anyway.) I found this guys site by folowing a link my friend Sarah gave me that brought me to an Perpetual BubbleWrap popping game.

I also started to bring the other sections of the site back online. The pictures are now there but the galery script is still broken. The staff page (wich I should just bring over into the pictures anyway) goes into an endless loop (I disabled it) and the contact now points to a working email address.


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