June 12, 2005

They're opening up a commerce bank down the block.

I'm happy about the commerce bank being built down the block. The private parking lot was nice and all, and I did enjoy looking at the converted pig box that used to serve as a delivery.. vehicle, but I think the bank will be a lot more useful. I'll be able to walk down the block to count my change for free. (oh and do banking and things)

I was looking for a link on the penny arcades but I found nothing that just showed what it was (it counts the coins) but I did find out that they're easy to rip off. Apparently a bunch of them have been robbed. I just hope when I go to rob a bank my first instinct is to go for the spare change. I just hope they don't have this guy working security. I took that friday night.

I know it's been a while since I've posted (so sue me, cancel your subscription), I've been working mostly, taking breaks for trips to beaches and birthday parties. (Matt, I found your dream girl by the way.) And occasionally the friday night game of pool with Jason.

I don't know if I ever mentioned my credit card fraud problem, I got most of my money back the other day (all but 4 bucks says quickbooks) and I'm sitting pretty about it. Now I just need to solve my no credit problem (more on that another day).

This is looking pretty attractive. There were talks with Tivo and netflix for a home "download" box where you could download your movies overnight and watch them as much as you want. Their always worried that it could be used for evil, like to copy the movies or something, but I can do that with dvds. I just did a quick Froogle Search I found out it runs around $600 bucks. No longer as attractive.

Don't get me started on $800 dollars in one day, if you've heard my rant then you know I want my money back. Unfortunately the people who need to give my money back haven't heard it yet. You know who you are! You best be better getting with the check writing you people you.
(I thank you Hawkeye Pierce)

On that note I watched The first DVD of Season 1 of Mash today. It's a lot better without Devry Commercials or a laugh track. I love this show, every eyeful.

Good night folks, I'll be here all week.


PS Look for new Audioslave, Cold Play, and The White Stripes

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