October 29, 2002


I spent the greater part of yesterday figuring out how to register for classes. I got it down pat, but it was past 7pm so the website closed. They closed the website. Anyone else see the irony in that?

My monitor seems to have failed. I can still see things but there is ghosting everywhere and streaks across the board. It.s a goner.

I started work today. In fact I'm at work right now. It.s boring. I'm not actually working yet... I'm stuck with the "Shop" for a while - they repair computers across the campus student, faculty, and labs alike. Cool bunch of people but not much to do.

Just a note; the comics to the left are my personal favorites. I'm not actually affiliated with any of them. I did actually get to meet the people from Machall and Mega Tokyo though. Cool people they love what they do. (Check Otakon pictures)

I want to find a way to make the pictures load faster. Most of them are huge. But I could probably stand to go and crop, resize, and delete a whole bunch of them. I'd like to make my site friendly to the people with "country dial up" connections too.


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