
There are 359 posts with this tag.

Fred, not dropping dead but standing tall.

My friends are awesome. Jenny Caroline My Self and Jason had a brief but sweet christmas celebration the other day. They got me a tree.
We named it Fred.

Next year we're going to have a star on top to add to the ornaments we decorated. I'd like to get one of those paper like ones with light inside. I couldn't find a picture of what I want but I did find some other stars that while looking nothing like what I'm referring to are really cool and ca…


I hope I get to say a little more later (I have to goto bed now). But I'm leaving for England in less then 20 hours. I'll be away from the 27th to the 12th. So.. I'll see you around. =)

I've been waiting for one of you to finally admit it.

Something Positive hit something that's been bothering me right on the nose today. (Well the other day really.)

It's kinda scary to see how common your own problems can be or have been. Everyone likes to think that they're unique but we all know that's a fallacy. I have it on good authority that people have been around for a while and they've been interacting, thinking and acting a while longer.

I wonder if every thought has been thought, every s…


My friend Yana left a few months ago (2 I think) to goto California. Well the other night I got a text message. Not only did she make it to California, but she got a dog. (Hopefully named Kerplunk.) She's doing well and is missed. =)

Black Friday

Please everybody do your part today on this black friday and stay home away from retail stores. To my friends in retail good luck today, you're going to need it.


(Who's off to work at the food co-op because its the busiest shopping day of the year.)


Happy thanksgiving everyone. Holidays normally give me a weird vibe, just seem sorta fake. But they're what you make of them so this year I want to give thanks. Thank you. Like... I couldn't name everybody or everything. But if your reading this (seriously - anyone reading this, you personally) thanks.

Its funny, I normally don't care about the actual date of holidays. (Just ask anyone I've already given a christmas present to.)


Thank you Toni

While a few of my friends have copies of Amelie and some don't even know where they came from they assure me it's not my copy. So I get a phone call this morning from my good friend Toni, She doesn't like the movie and she's giving it to me. =)

Frank has some good jazz playing and I'm playing along with the band in my head.


Yea... what the fuck?

I had a nice little vacation this weekend.

I drove down to Rowan and left all of brooklyn behind. I even turned off my cell phone at one point. I don't usually do that. But you know... I should more often. I guess most of my life is so hectic or... scattered -_" that when I do get to talk to someone important, someone I haven't heard from it makes being at the ringer's mercy almost worth it.

So I slept at night, hung out with my friends ate at di…

I figure I'm drinking 8 cups a water a day.

I know they say that's the recommended amount of water to drink. Unless I'm strongly miscalculating I doubt that's a realistic amount. I figure most people only drink maybe 4-5 cups a day. Even with all the water I'm drinking I'm still thirsty.

I don't get it.


So I've been talking about being a robot for halloween. And I'm still with it.

I can go a generic robot, like from the video. I can even protest. But this morning I had a thought that I should go as one of the these 3 below.


The RED ROBOT or Clango

Now I like the RED ROBOT a lot, but Clango is adorable. But even better, Bender likes to drink a lot of beer and has this hatch thing going on.

It's a tough call.

I'm red?

Yea I hate these too, blame Brian.
You are the color red. You are the most
controversial of all the colors. You are often
easily angered, but as easily as you got
excited, you come down. When angered, do you
have the tendency to be malicious? Afterwards,
do you end up begging for forgiveness? Maybe.
But you're incredibly generous, and, odd
enough, needy. You love to hate, and
sometimes, you hate to love. This color
describes you as generally edg…

Well I'm just a killjoy

So if I don't take my meds before 9am every morning (they don't take off for weekends and holidays) which means going to bed at night, 1am latest, 11pm on work nights, I'm gonna feel like a college freshman from a uptight family who gave him no freedoms the morning after his first night out.

Jesus these headaches. Its like a hangover and a fight with large truck all wrapped into one.


Ok guys

I'll keep my dishes clean when you get here, you make sure they're clean when you leave.

Otherwise you can bring your own.

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