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EEE - Presentation at RobotsConf 2013

Yesterday I gave a talk at Robots Conference called "Electrical Engineering Excitement" or EEE!.

You can download my talk in PDF or Keynote (for fancy animations!).

I feel I should also point you towards some better Electrical Engineering resources.

The wonderful Getting Started in Electronics is an old book but amazing. The physics haven't changed in 25 years and this book shows you how it works. Let me quote a review from Amazon.

I cannot over…

Talk: Networking in Ruby @GA

Tonight I gave a talk at General Assembly on making a decentralized chat server in Ruby. I wanted to talk on something that wasn't web development as we webdevs tend to get caught up in making everything an http request. GA was a wonderful host (Thank you Mercedes!) and afterwards everyone at the talk was awesome to talk to.

Thanks to one helpful audience member for digging up RFC1. It's a cool read if you're into history of computers and network…

Dependency Injection, Fake Timers and Testing in Johnny-Five

Yesterday marked the end of a several week sprint to improve tests around Johnny-Five. My goal started with fixing an inconstantly failing test, innocent enough. Today I'm proud to say we have cleaner code, a faster suite runtime, and a further decoupling of objects and libraries within the project. I learned a lot about testing in javascript, and I'm finally able to publicly share code I've written with regards to testing. A lot of this I'd love…

Focus and Energy Data

For some reason tonight all I want to do is figure out how to answer the question "Where is my power coming from?" from the following nyiso market data. It does not seem possible, which irks me to no end as their pretty transparent about most of the power generation operations of New York State.

If you know anything about solving this problem. Even solving it for different countries or states! Please let me know, we should chat.

You can track my …

Dorby: The DoorBot

I was part of a hack weekend recently that Levo League hosted. During the event I made us Dorby a door answering robot.

We had a problem at the Levo League with our intercom system. The doorbell rings and it rings a lot. Every single time a human would have to get up and press the door open button. We have an office manager who sits by the door and will eventually answer it. But if they're not around it's the front vs the back of the office both …

Meraki Wireless AP's and Routers a Case Study

Meraki is a "100 Percent Cloud Managed" switch, this means you have less control in the long run but possibly more options and everything should be easier use. That's the idea anyway.

I have a small office (15 people) with about 1500 square feet, poor wiring, and a ton of devices. The devices are mostly printers, ipads, laptops and smart phones. We have events a few times a month with any number (0-30) of wireless devices wanting internet access.…

You Laugh You Lose

Recently I won a trip to NodeConf (a conference about nodeJS) by making a cool little game called "You Laugh You Lose". It was created in 17 hours at NodeJitsu's "Hack Nodeconf Hackathon". After a full days work my friend Mike and myself wandered over to Pivotal Lab's awesome offices near union square and proceeded to stay up for the next 24 hours. This blog post is about how that went.

First off get a cool browser and play the game!



Technology breaks

"Technology breaks, it aint good, we don't look forward to it, but technology breaks. What happens next is what matters, how you escalate it." - Thomas Joyce

Knight’s Joyce Says "All Hands on Deck" After Error at 5:16

This comment is really a dig a nasdaq not telling people what was going on during issues with the Facebook IPO, not about the resilience of his system. I wish it was.

Video Embed missing

Classified ads the backbone of Democracy

This post has been a long time coming. Its intent is to convey an idea. The idea is that we need investigative journalism to have a productive government. The problem is that we've lost the funding for investigative journalism with the demise of "print media". If you take that a step further you can blame craig's list.

Jeff Atwood had an interesting look on this in 2009 reflecting on a SF Weekly spot. There's a chance they weren't 100% impartial …

Value of information

The value of a piece of information is proportional to the chance that you will act on it times the benefit of acting on it.

I'm going to be cross posting my tech related posts over at On one hand I want a separate place for my advertised work in the tech community and on the other hand I don't trust Tumblr. Something about working so much in someone else's system bugs me. © 2025
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