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This week I have quite a bit of work to err... work on. My chemistry
teacher was kind enough (and from a distance of about 5 feet) to let me
take today's test on Tuesday because of my absence. She was just as
eager to keep the hell away from me as well. (Some people really don't want to
get sick) But she did go over the test with me while the class was
taking it and she gave me the homework for the chapters the test
covered. With a little elbow g…


I want to update so badly. Umm.. Lots of cool stuff going on in the world. Check it out? =D

I promise to say something usefull
eventualy. Really!


I fixed mail! Yahoo!
Honestly I don't know what
broke. All I did was restart. I feel dumb about it too, because I
restarted the server not the mail deamon. I shouldn't be using such a
crappy misconfigured deamon anyway. At least I'm not open for realying.
No spam comming of me. No message from me comming of me either. I never
did get user authentication working.

Yay I fixed Now only if I knew what broke in
the …

There is no escape from The Muffin

Andrew I am so on to you. =D (hehe bad link - fixed now)

For those of you who didn't attend my highschool shortly after 12/06/2001 probably won't get this jab. Andrew who happened to have been a reader of Real Life around that time and happened to have an "epiphany" about how to make normal words sound evil. I won't claim that if I had been reading the comic instead I could have started a 2…


I do have mono.
Only 1 in 3 people who are exposed mono's virus develop mono, it takes 30-60 days after
infections to show symptons, after recovery (2 weeks to 2 months if your not carefull) you still have the virus
for 30days to 18 months. Its a sneaky virus.

I have sucessfully registered for my crappy schedule. The
stupid mock schedule maker had the wrong 5 digit call number for the class. Gah - is in trouble.
Got to run.



I spent the greater part of yesterday figuring out how to register for classes. I got it down pat, but it was past 7pm so the website closed. They closed the website. Anyone else see the irony in that?

My monitor seems to have failed. I can still see things but there is ghosting everywhere and streaks across the board. It.s a goner.

I started work today. In fact I'm at work right now. It.s boring. I'm not actually working yet... I'm stuck with th…

Gabe is Angry Again

Registration is closed.
I hate school.
I'm under the opinion that the registration process is setup for people who magicly know all the classes and when they are and how they fit together. They have this handy dandy tool that helps you organize your classes but its got its problems.
1) It won't tell you if a class is open or closed. In order to find this out you need to sort through 3 pages of submenus till you get a nice little table of the clas…


This 3.5 meg movie of a rainbow was taken on my nikon
coolpix 995 digital camera. The origional was 11mb! The poeple you see in the movie are some of my friends. From
left to right you'll see Sarah, James, and Michelle.
Sarah is an undeclared major but is moving towards "psych, sociology, art, or eduction". James is another ECE
like myself (electrical and computer
engineering). And Michelle is a Vocal Education major.

The rainbow appeared during …

Grah!!! No way gah!

Two more fire alarms today. I didn't leave for any of them. One was at 7:30am and the other was around 10am. Even with a pillow over my head its loud enough to hurt my ears. I got the pictures uploaded too.


Fire fire firedrills

Forgive me Readers it has been 8 days since my last confession...

We have had 7 fire alarms go off in 2 days. I was showering for 1, sleeping for 2, was late for class because of 1, and cursed almost everytime. I was worse then a sailor. Public Saftey's responce is "The system is responding to stumli, its doing what it's suposed to do. We just need to find out what that stimuli is." So they don't know why around 530 sleeping students had to wake …

Monday, a day that will live in... oh god its so horrible.

I'm personaly doing fine. But... I just have 6 words for you.

CIA Special Agent DR. LEX LUTHOR.

I'm going to fucking cry. Their going to kill Superman. Not kill him
like "Doomsday" did. Not kill him like any villan has tried before. They
are going to make people hate superman. This *movie* while looking cool,
having amazing action sequences, and cool charecters is NOT in anyway
shape or form what Superman really is. I meen Krypton doesn't even
fu… © 2025
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