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Sweet Toys

There's gonna make a line of action figures based off of the "cult move" Napoleon Dynamite.

Ever since that postcard link... I've been thinking about it..

Anyway, Two new albums.

Highlight for Album: London Tower

Highlight for Album: Tower Bridge

There's a sniping game my friend Andrew likes that features the Tower Bridge. I tried to cover the angles from the game. ;-)

The london tower by the way isn't a tower, it's a castle.



Sarah showed me some post cards.

Some are really sad, but others make you smile because they're about guilty pleasures.

You can send them post cards too.

From A perfect circle to the Yeah Yeah Yeahs

From A perfect circle to the Yeah Yeah Yeahs
Lots of links to lots of music videos and lots of popups.

Get them while they're hot.

Warning Link has lots of popups. Only Internet explorer seems to get them though. Firefox and Safari don't seem to have any problems. Toni called me up earlier telling me a story about how a lot of prono popups popped up when a professor walked in because she had clicked on the link.

Because of that I decided to deact…

How good is your mind?

I got this link of off Digg today. But don't go there, it link to this other site, and I'll bet dollars to donuts that it's got popups and spyware and all the mess. Instead I'll recreate the "test" here.

(It's not really a good idea to do things like this, especially if your going to be copy and pasting a bunch but I think I can do better then the other blogger, the adsite, and the university website together)

So you think you can count? I'm goin…

I've got a drafted post I didn't like how I started

I've got a post I wrote half of that I'll probably rewrite before I finally post it that comes right before this one. (Well, it will probably end up after this one, but eh)

Anyway, instead of enlighting you to my wonderful adverntures fighting credit card fraud, or buying a van load of lumber, or driving down to Glassboro to have dinner at a diner, or all the other things (including making diner for me and my friends). I'm just going to do a link…

Happy Easter

Happy Easter, or Happy Sunday if you're not into that kind of thing.

Super Size Me



So I learned some things from Super Size Me. (Available at any video rental store. And under documentaries on Showtime In Demand Specials.) The pretence. Morgan Spurlock a healthy man eats Mc. Donnalds

Eating McDonnalds every day for a month is really really bad for you.

He gained 12 pounds in first 10 days.

Eating will make you feel good too.

That's not news. I've got a small weight problem, I weigh... 206 last time I checked. I do…


I found 3 socks that aren't mine.

Are they yours?

An interesting site from a photographer.

I don't know if the photographer or the web-designer in me likes this more. It's just neat.

(click on a photo to zoom in, click off a photo to zoom out, some photos are more then just photos, hit space to zoom around - tab has something to do with the space... just play with it and enjoy)
Matthew Mahon


Stop All The Downloads

I did a 180 in the space of one and a half lanes. I love driving in light snow. Not hellish deep snow I vowed never to drive again with (at all ever noun noun verb noun).

By the way a 180 being a U-Turn.

I had my 21st birthday the other night and people are still staying over at my house to go home monday morning. This has been a really good birthday, complete with a Chinese dinner I don't remember, pool, Jazz, ping pong, a wonderful italian dinn… © 2024
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