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So you know those end of the world guys? Well they're a lot richer now. (Thanks to MacHall for pointing that out.)

The only think I don't get about that shirt is why when your hot you don't want sweat. I always thought it's evaporating kept you cool, maybe this wisking away property of the shirt has the same effect. *shrug*

In other news, The New York Times says Brooklyn students are loose, while Manhattan kids want to die (of jealousy of course)…


A long long time ago there was this boy named Francis who purchased an ATI Radeon 9600 with 128MB of ram. Francis was happy. One day after beating "Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne" (which ran wonderfully on his new card) he went trifling through the box his card came in. He found a card, one claiming to provide a free copy of "Half Life 2".

"What's Half Life?" Francis asked. He recalled his friend Andrew speaking of it years ago, he said good …

Stupid locks

So... I like picking locks.

It's come in handy tones of times while working and playing. I've never picked a lock I wasn't allowed to ;-)

Anyway, you've probably heard about the picking tubular locks with a pen. Well.. I've done it too now. Stupid useless laptop lock.

Check out this movie and this movie for examples.



So I've been talking about being a robot for halloween. And I'm still with it.

I can go a generic robot, like from the video. I can even protest. But this morning I had a thought that I should go as one of the these 3 below.


The RED ROBOT or Clango

Now I like the RED ROBOT a lot, but Clango is adorable. But even better, Bender likes to drink a lot of beer and has this hatch thing going on.

It's a tough call.

I'm red?

Yea I hate these too, blame Brian.
You are the color red. You are the most
controversial of all the colors. You are often
easily angered, but as easily as you got
excited, you come down. When angered, do you
have the tendency to be malicious? Afterwards,
do you end up begging for forgiveness? Maybe.
But you're incredibly generous, and, odd
enough, needy. You love to hate, and
sometimes, you hate to love. This color
describes you as generally edg…

Thought provoking vs. Slapstick

So like... Emily Vs. Brian, or something to that effect.

The point is, Brian gets more comments. And I hate to say its because people are lazy but... yea people are lazy. It's easier to respond to something stupid then to something that makes you think.

(Frank keeps asking "What's with your friends?")

But I understand you, you're suffering from malnutrition, sleep depravation, undue stress, and your lazy. It's ok though, I'm those things too.


Maybe they should put a leash on him

(Unrelated title) So I went to work today, early. Which means I went to sleep last night, early. It was an odd sleep, maybe because I had slept past noon that day, or because I had to force my mind to save its thoughts for the next day, or maybe.. who knows. Anyway I slept lightly and woke easily. (never mind I fell back asleep unintentionally - I forgot to stay awake, waking up early isn't habit yet.) I felt like I was barely on the surface of d…

Dam bugs and a good song

So I was almost asleep having convinced myself that ... heh, I don't even remember anymore. Anyway, I was sleeping almost and then "ZZZZZZeeeeeppp" the doppler of a bug flying around my ear. I don't even know if I killed it. Fucking bugs.

Anyway, I finally found this song that's been running through my head.

You Showed Me
The Turtles

You showed me how to do
Exactly what you do
How I fell in love with you
Oh, oh, oh, it's true
Oh, oh, I love youYo…

Well I'm just a killjoy

So if I don't take my meds before 9am every morning (they don't take off for weekends and holidays) which means going to bed at night, 1am latest, 11pm on work nights, I'm gonna feel like a college freshman from a uptight family who gave him no freedoms the morning after his first night out.

Jesus these headaches. Its like a hangover and a fight with large truck all wrapped into one.


Ok guys

I'll keep my dishes clean when you get here, you make sure they're clean when you leave.

Otherwise you can bring your own.


My arm hurt


I used some Antibiotic Ointment so it's much better now.


Kings Highway

I used to hate Kings Highway. It runs from roughly north/south on the east side of brooklyn and swerves left and right, up and down, and grows from 2 lanes to 6 and back again. It just got in the way most of my life. But now I've got a job on it and can't imagine how much of a pain getting around would be with out it.

I popped a tire a while back driving on it. You see... the problem was I had never driven on it during the day time.

Anyway, it ra…

Scary Girl

So I saw this on TV, and well it was scary. These two girls came out of some screaming and giggling bubble and started dancing in a field. It was some PBS HD channel with kids shows for brain dead children who haven't learned anything ever. (Kids start out blank, remember?)

But this girl on the left, she's so scary looking. I mean... I normally don't say things like this but.. she's so fucking scary. Little brain dead children watching this show … © 2025
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