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This is my first entry in the books category. I've finally made the time to take up reading again and it's done me well.

Wyrms by Orison Scott Card is the book I finished tonight. And while many, many books deserve to be talked about and mentioned, as well as my philosophy on books, reading and stories, I'm going to just stick with this one tonight.

Oh and like my movie reviews this isn't going to be an actual review just my reaction or something…

Six Feet Under

Six Feet Under has strangely paralleled my life for a few years now. Not all of it, I don't have as many characters in my life as on the show. Or maybe... I just haven't found them yet.

And who the hell writes these characters anyway!?



Click for larger version.

I meant to post this for Melissa on The Apartment. So I'm gonna go do that now.
But I have to say I miss the little guy. And Melissa has a nice milk crate there. ;-)


Ghost in car commercial?

This is pretty crazy... Check out this email I just received:

This is a car advert from somewhere. When they finished filming the ad the people who made it noticed something moving along the side of the car, like a ghostly white mist.

The ad was never put on TV because the unexplained ghostly phenomenon frightened the production team out of their wits.

Watch it and about halfway look and you will see the white mist crossing in front of the car th…

The Beastie Boys and Spike Jones

So I've had The Work of Director Spike Jonze for a while now. I was saving it to watch with someone but.. what ever the curiosity got the better of me, sorry.

Most of his music videos rock. You only get to see him slightly during the test for the Rockafella skank video (which never was produced but led to..) and the Praise You Video which he was the lead dancer. Everybody (But the Beastie Boys) described him as cuddly and fun, perhaps like a tedd…

"One Day" - The Verve

One day maybe we will dance again
Under fiery skies
One day maybe you will love again
Love that never dies

One day maybe you will see the land
Touch skin with sand
You've been swimming in the lonely sea
With no company

Oh, don't you want to find?
Can't you hear this beauty in life?
The roads, the highs, breaking up your mind
Can't you hear this beauty in life?

One day maybe you will cry again
Just like a child
You've gotta tie yourself to the mas…

Jason told me a funny one

So a patrol in Iraq finds a Marine and a Iraqi Soldier bloody and beaten on either side of a road. They provide both with immediate medical attention and try and raise the marine. He finally awakes and they asked him what happened.

"Well I was walking down the road when I came upon the Iraqi. So I yelled 'Saddam is a mother fucker!' and he yelled 'Bush is mother fucker!'. The truck hit us when we were shaking hands."


Thank you Jason and About.…

Declassified Moon Photos

A little while ago they let loose a few photos taken from our moon.

Forgive me Dial-Up users and don't forget to click for the larger versions




New Teas to try

Chamomile with Lavender
Mint Earl Grey

I had a good time hanging out with Jenny and Jason and Caroline tonight. Tomorrow I need to finally clean up my floor and take care of all those little things that I have nowhere to put. And then at some point go see a play.


I want to write stuff, about people and things. And me. And I guess this is what a journal is for not a blog but... eh

Stuff happens, I think oddly sometimes (hey, we …


Thursday (and possibly Friday) August 19th I'm going to go down to Glassboro. Got to clear things up with rowan, my bank, and I dunno I'd like to see people too.


Knight Rider

I grew up on this show (along with the A-Team and many others) and just today after 20 years I realized something. Most of those jumps and explosions that Kit drives through were filmed with a remote control car! The wheels give it away, they do an amazing job preserving the scale of everything else.

I just can't believe its been a model all this time. I thought they had a tricked out car or something.

But to be fair not all the stunts are by an …

Signs of love

"If I was beautiful, if I had the time..."

I was listening to Moby and thought "What would I do if I had the time?"

And then I realized that all I had to do to have the time was to make the time. I've actually been making a lot of time lately. (Doing a lot of work. But I'll finish eventually.) I've been sleeping too, I know its late now but I'm about to sleep. I was wondering...

Well, Just finish this sentence for me.

"If I had the time I'd...."

Random image from my Gallery

What's this? More clutter on the side bar? Yes its a random image viewer! A random image from my entire gallery is chosen and displayed there!

Nifty eh?

I got to plan that side bar out a little, it's a little confusing. Also the gallery was updated, let me know if anything is broken.


Alive and kicking.

I'm tired.

But its well deserved.

Sort of.

So I got up today and went to work. I took a cab because I was late. I had a 3:30 appointment that got rescheduled for 11:30 but some stroke of luck I had arrived at 11:10 - early. Spring and Greenwich (near the west side drive) isn't that far from brooklyn. Someone let me in the building and I took the old freight elevator upstairs. The entire office building used to be some industrial something or othe… © 2025
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