
There are 359 posts with this tag.

Did you know you can refuse a subway search?

Just to let you know I've compiled your pdf on refusing a subway search into a postcard. I just recently ran a print of 100 of them and honestly I'm not sure what to do with them. I'll get them distributed to my fellow straphangers one way or another. One of the most surprising reaction to the cards was from a friend who objected to them. He asked what propaganda site I got them from that lead me to believe that warrantle…

Video From H2K2

(The video player wont load from the rss feed. So if you're reading from there, you'll have to click though to the post. Also I ditched the crappy flv version - never mind this is crappy quality anyway, it's using some quicktime foolery so it should even be nice on an iphone - unless you're on edge, in which case your iphone will request the extra crappy version) Update in 2022: I don't remember when but I emailed the guy sometime between then an…

Citi Smith Barney

This used to be a normal Citibank. The new name / logo fills me with confidence.

City Smith Barney


The Last Hope

The Last Hope

I just registered for the three day computer security.. well Hacker Conference "HOPE: Hackers of planet Earth". So far they have a few keynote speakers listed including Adam Savage and of course Kevin Mitnick. Adam Savage is well known as a Mythbuster, maker, and lover of wonderful things. I even saw him at last years Mermaid Parade. I've emailed him to find out what he's doing at The Last Hope, because while I'm sure he'll find it cool, I don't…

You don't need this ->

You don\'t need the lollipop girl.

I got a small pack of stickers from The Anti-Advertising Agency. A guy named Steve Lambert made them and he'll give some out to anyone who asks and sends them an envelope. All he asks is that you send him some photos of your work.

You don\'t need the f train?

All photo credits (she's much better with cameras that aren't cell phones) goto Caroline, who's website is forthcoming.


New Design

I've been developing this site for a few days using wordpress and some plugins. I've hacked out a decent looking theme and made it more mine. You don't need to register to comment and your comments should show up now. (Some, a few actually as I asked around got caught up in spam filtering and I didn't even see them.) Also if you have an openID your comment should go through immediately. Until spammers start using it anyway.

Andrew gave me a neat …

I miss the sun

I also miss having a camera phone.

I think the lack of sun has made me go anemic.


Ahh I feel much better now.


PS Me and the sun hung out at the park today it was amazing.

Stop the Spying(.org)

I won't even pretend this isn't inspired by my recent reading material but this isn't the first time I've personally visited the subject of the illegal wiretapping the NSA asked ATT and a few other Telecoms to do. Right now there are people in congress still trying to grant the NSA and the telecommunication companies immunity. They want to go back in time and make it legal. That would mean that if you cared to you couldn't sue them for surveilli…

Some updates in my life.

It's of course much longer then I've wanted it to be between updates.

I've done some work for Roborooter's Gallery. It should be a bit faster, but my main emphasis has been to make it more simple to use and navigate. It's still got a ways to go. I did drop the keywords thing for tags (ala flickr.. sota) and had the gallery import the date from each photos exif data into a tag. This worked alright. For example you can view all photos taken in 2007…

Money in the internet age.

The most important human endeavor is the striving for morality in our actions. Our inner balance and even our very existence depend on it. Only morality in our actions can give beauty and dignity to life. - Albert Einstein

After hearing about a recent horrible breach of privacy, that leaked the full information of every felon (for any crime) in the state of Oklahoma. So if you were convicted of a "NON-VIOLENT - ALCOHOL RELATED" crime or a "WEAP…

Quotes from pulled from space, net, and time.

"It’s like Feynman says, physics is like sex — it may give practical results, but that’s not why we do it." - xkcd

" I see it in your eyes. You have the look of a man who accepts what he sees because he is expecting to wake up." - Morpheus from The Matrix

Repeated by HunterTV in reference to a leaked RIAA training video made for US prosecutors. Everyone loves a good manipulation of government and society.

"Cowardice asks the question…

They had it coming.

I'm going to link you to a new favorite webcomic of mine.

Over Compensating

When you get there be sure to know what this particular comic is talking about. Read the news section below. It's important.


PS The torrent is still at 20 seeds! I can't guess how many people have downloaded it! Mainly because I wasn't involved in most of those transfers. =) Let me know if you have any complaints.

Shit now I got to read all this history too?

Wikileaks busts Gitmo propaganda team who were apparently editing wikipedia and trying to influence digg and other "social news" sites.

The part that scares me is that this is probably happening all the time. And unless you've adopted a page and made yourself responsible for it's content you probably wouldn't notice.

There should be a way to rate changes to an article. Maybe like a digg system, as long as captchas are still effective we can keep … © 2025
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