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Thank you Mr. Freeman

I had an idea for a book, a wiki sorta. A place where people can share experiences or maybe I can just use it to edit what I write. So I setup a Roborooter Wiki to play with in the mean time. I need to write more to start it off so people have something to work off of but its a start.

Also I found a movie that people might like. (Apparently its making its rounds.)


Black Friday

Please everybody do your part today on this black friday and stay home away from retail stores. To my friends in retail good luck today, you're going to need it.


(Who's off to work at the food co-op because its the busiest shopping day of the year.)


Happy thanksgiving everyone. Holidays normally give me a weird vibe, just seem sorta fake. But they're what you make of them so this year I want to give thanks. Thank you. Like... I couldn't name everybody or everything. But if your reading this (seriously - anyone reading this, you personally) thanks.

Its funny, I normally don't care about the actual date of holidays. (Just ask anyone I've already given a christmas present to.)


Thank you Toni

While a few of my friends have copies of Amelie and some don't even know where they came from they assure me it's not my copy. So I get a phone call this morning from my good friend Toni, She doesn't like the movie and she's giving it to me. =)

Frank has some good jazz playing and I'm playing along with the band in my head.


Who has my Amelie?

It's gone, I don't know who has it. It's a good dvd (double disks box set iirc) and an even better movie. And it can't be argues that Audrey Tautou isn't perfect for the role of Amelie in Amelie. Whatever catch her character has whether it be the "I caused trouble to help someone and it worked" smile, or her "I'm spying on people because I find their behavior facinating even though I know I shouldn't spy on people." grin (It's ok, she's harmless.…


With the slip of my finger I destroyed my gallery. And due to some freak backup problem (Test your backups!) which I have yet to solve, I don't have all the photos backed up.

Fortunately (and this is going to sound bad) none of mine were lost. Why is that fortunate? (my friends who lost photos are really wondering I'm sure) I'm pretty sure everyone (except me) has their own copies of their photos.

At the moment I'm in the process of fixing the ga…

In 2.4 Linux Kernel code

In drivers/char/rio/list.h

** Will God see it within his heart to forgive us for this thing that
** we have created?

Firefox Devtools

Am I posting these links because I don't have an easy way to copy them to my other computer? or am I posting them because they are really usefull web development tools for firefox?


Web Developer


Yea... what the fuck?

I had a nice little vacation this weekend.

I drove down to Rowan and left all of brooklyn behind. I even turned off my cell phone at one point. I don't usually do that. But you know... I should more often. I guess most of my life is so hectic or... scattered -_" that when I do get to talk to someone important, someone I haven't heard from it makes being at the ringer's mercy almost worth it.

So I slept at night, hung out with my friends ate at di…

I figure I'm drinking 8 cups a water a day.

I know they say that's the recommended amount of water to drink. Unless I'm strongly miscalculating I doubt that's a realistic amount. I figure most people only drink maybe 4-5 cups a day. Even with all the water I'm drinking I'm still thirsty.

I don't get it.

Is it just me?

I think that random image block keep showing me scary photos.


Oh and another scary thing, I saw 40-50, 14-16 year olds running wild on a subway platform while 2-3 of them duked it out. The amount of yelling and motion they created was breathtaking. It was like a riot.

"Schools out"

-Francis © 2024
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