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Site Maintnence

I upgraded Moveable Type today. You won't notice anything different about this upgrade either. ;-)

I'm off to go pick up Steff from the air port. I'll also be in Ny this weekend, I've got 2 birthdays to attend. Why was everyone conceived in June?


Gallery Updated

I updated the gallery today. You probably won't notice at all.

I also added a new section to my home Gallery.

Its got some photos from Philadelphia obviously. I hope to have some more as time goes on, its a nice place to be.


Beautiful day!

Rollerblading in the park, Yoga at night, Did good on a test, Went to Philly, got a package of Fresh Mozzarella and fresh bread from Frank. I love this weather it brings out the best in me.

I'm about to drive to class and my sunroof will be open. =D


Site Maintnence

I'm moving name servers for The links will still work but the roborooter ones might take a little bit of time while the servers change.



People love talking about google. Its the most used search engine in the world.

Anyway in light of a recent slashdot article I compiled a list of interesting google features (with links!)

I hope you've all clicked on the underlined words in the "Searched the web for " bar right above the search results. They'll take you to's definition of the given word. But if you search for "define:word" or "define word" you'll get a …

I can't believe I'm doing this.

I had a good birthday. I woke up early, went to class, did errands, and now I'm going to sleep for a big test tomorrow. No wild parties with boobs and too much alcohol. I guess I'll have to wait until next year. Anyway I made out good with some DVDs and a New Computer (which I built a week ago and it still makes me drool). I also gave my self a car wash (for my car) and I left a waitress a $20 dollar tip for some ice cream. (Didn't catch her reac…

Love is Love

"Parts of the brain that are love-bitten include the one responsible for gut feelings, and the ones which generate the euphoria induced by drugs such as cocaine. So the brains of people deeply in love do not look like those of people experiencing strong emotions, but instead like those of people snorting coke. Love, in other words, uses the neural mechanisms that are activated during the process of addiction. ìWe are literally addicted to love,î …

Everybody Loves a Redford

Tonight I watched Sneakers it was shown to me as a kid by my mother (a woman ahead of her time in knowing what was ahead of her time) who found it to be quite fun. I can look back (all the way to 1992 when I was 8) and recognize the technologies they used in the movie in real life. Makes me wish I was born in the late 70's so I could a punk teen when all this was going on.


Also to note that I Finished Big O season 1 (think Japanese Batma…

50 First Dates

50 First Dates Sweet romantic comedy that was better then expected. That being said it starred Drew Barrymore nipples. And while every other character was some other weird sexual stereotype Drew her self was not. She was an insanely cute and naive girl who started every day as if it was some day in october.

I thought they'd butcher her part and make her really dumb. Or even worse make her situation really dumb. I mean how could a woman (20 someth…

4 movies and a start of an addiction.

(I'm not going to review these movies. If you really want to know what they're about click the links and read the reviews. In fact do that now so you have some idea what I'm talking about.)

Suicide Club is a stupid movie. I can honestly say it prevoked some reaction out of me. I ooooed and ahhhed when appropriate but I spent most of the time going "What the fuck?" and "Why'd she do that?". The story.. is stupid and the director/screen writer forg…

Electric Lady Land

Like the album this post is named after I found these 3 things to be of interest this week.

The Buddylinks service (read: Virus) swarmed the nation last night. Sending unsolicited IM's with links to trick people into installing the program that sends out the IM's. Apparently it also leaves computers open to run any software buddylinks wishes you to run. Bad news I say. (Link goes to slashdot post on buddy links not the actual buddylinks it's self… © 2025
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