Page 37

My new obsession

Someone made a babylon 5 game and I happen to think it kicks a lot of ass.

[Insert some comment on vector independent rotation and thrust]



Moby Swirly Blues

I just found a copy of the playlist I used to create my Moby Swirly Blues mix. Its 19 Moby songs in a quite soothing order. I made it to use to goto sleep but people (like my Dad of all people) started to like it so I burned a few copies to keep around the house. (All fair use of my music that I legally own - I assure you.) Anyway I had since lost the cds and the playlist and now they are found.

The name comes from a friend of mine and of course …

Vote You Fiend!

I opened up a voting for a gallery.

The Cosplays of Otakon 2001

You can vote for each picture (give it a rating) and see the total. This is the first gallery I'm trying voting for. I want to see how it works out. =)


Morning Ambush

This morning I was mugged by 5 people with an iPod.

More later.


(PS. To the 14 people that were in on this... You guys rock!)

I hope you see this.

I was driving down the west side drive the other day and took a horrible picture of *this* car. The people in it were nice enough. We chatted long enough to take the picture and for me to give them my URL. Who ever you are hope you enjoy the pictures.


Frank finally updated his website. I promised him a link. (And since he helped me get started I owe him one anyway. Click on the link below or the permeant one on the right side.

Ohh and if it disappears it means he hasn't updated. If he wants it back he has to update. :-p



I've been making a list of people to get stuff for. And then.. People asked me what I wanted...

Click Here to find out.

I really can't think of much else. I mean if you give me a card and a hug I'll be just as happy. Or you could always click my pay pal link on the right and send me the $5 they give you to sign up. (Or do they not do that anymore?) The holidays shouldn't be about giving gifts (even though I'd like to give a bunch) it should be ab…


Just a warning: To my Dad, my family my friends. This semester hasn't been the greatest academically. I will have more credits to show then I did last semester. I mean I dam well better, no excuse this time - not that the excuses mattered anyway. I'm at risk for loosing my financial aid because of the grades. Unfortunately it will be several weeks until I can know for sure what will happen.

I just want to say that I'm waking up. I've found the sp…


I should be expecting some strange dreams tonight. I just finished up watching Stigmata. Religion is a topic I haven't touched in a while.



I'm interested in hearing what people think about this guy's comment.

Click here to read it.

Personally... I'm not sure what to say at all.


Sunsrise never looked so...

Didn't really feel like sleeping last night... was messing around... noticed that changing the message view preferences was sloooow. Decided to fix it. The view controller now handles preference changes via a separate thread and message queuing. :) Sunrise has never looked so.. multithreaded. - Evands from the adium2 project

I love this guy. Its time for sleep Yo.


Good News and Bad News.

Because I believe that you should get bad news first, I'm going to give it to you first.

Defendant Name
Payment Information
Transaction Date
Penalty Amount
$ 98.00
Convenience Fee
$ 3.00
Total Paid
$ 101.00

The convenience fee seems to be a penalty for paying the ticket online. I got this ticket on my approach to Clayton a small town/speed trap near Glassboro. The speed limit changes 4 times with …

Gallery Updated

I updated the gallery today. I was going to write an update to the blog but that would require thinking about my day and recent events. I will add a few things.

Movies I've recently seen.
Ginger Snaps
Being John Malkovich

I'll talk about them (and laugh about them, and warn you about them) all later.

I also gave blood today. My first time. My friend Matt has given over a gallon total. Considering a human adult has around 8 pint… © 2025
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