Please pardon our appearance while we are under construction.
Please pardon our appearance while we are under construction.
(For news relevant to Brooklyn Tech look below.) Even the Mafia is pitching in to help the city. Carmine Agnello, jailed John Gotti son-in-law and convicted racketeer, offered Mayor Giuliani the use of a $6 million shredding machine yesterday to chew up the steel beams mixed in the rubble of the World Trade Center. (Daily News)
I have fixed the logout bug. Rather someone named nocha found the problem and brought it to my attention. =) Look for full integration of php-nuke soon.
NOTE: This information was changed at 8am on Thursday, September 20th 2001.
In the next room right as I type this, my father, who is co-president of the Tech PTA, is yelling at someone about how Tech is being screwed. Dr. Lee McCaskill, Tech's principal, got a call from Deputy-Chancellor Mumble, telling him that the plan that had previously been accepted by all sides in this, and that was handed out to everyone at Tech on Monday, including the St…
Things are settling back into place around here, so I'm going to continue with the site. Look for a new section soon.
Oh and until php-nuke fixes its logout bug, I'm not using it.
I feel really freaky now. Having fought my way from Brooklyn to the Upper West Side and my home and family,
I have yet to come out of existential-reflection-on-the-human-condition-and-mortality mode. Scanning back
through our news posts from the last couple of days, I ran into one of mine.
"...Anyhoo, things may be happening in the near future."
I feel all calm right now. On my way home, it hit me how quiet the city was. I've lived here my whole …
I'm sure many of us are already giving blood and donating to the
American Red Cross. An easy way to donate (money, not blood) is
through Amazon.com (http://www.amazon.com/). They have an online
donation on their front page and 100% of the money goes to the Red
Well, I put off actually putting a news entry announcing my admission on to the staff, but I'm saying it now. I'm looking forward to working on this site, though I have my own brainchild http://discordia.myip.org:8000 . All right then, see ya.
There have been many reports of many horrible acts that have happened today. Makes me sick that people can do this to other people. I don't feel like talking about it too much today, just keep your friends and family close for a few days. And keep hope. Read about it here at CNN
I'm looking at the empty Bawls bottle on my desk. Its kinda weird, makes your tongue go numb. Everyone should try www.nuke.roborooter.com Soon it will look like the main site and work 100% (for some reason you can't log out, I dunno why). Everyone (staff too) should make user accounts but don't get too attached to them, god knows what I'm going to have to do to fix it 100%. Also staff should email me about admin accounts.
I have gotten some flak …
I got the nest version of php-nuke (when the hell did that come out?) and set it up. Still doesn't work. Also on a side note, I don't know how to use MySQL. Yesterday I went by Starbucks with my laptop and new wireless card to see if I could find something useful with there new wireless network (which you have to pay for if you want Internet access) and I saw this guy. He had the tiniest Vaio I've ever seen! It rocked! On top of that he didn't kn…
Man, I agree, Bear is worst stuff around, if someone gave me a can of bear, I'd be like, "Damnit, Bear is some nasty shit!"
Well, I tried some Bawls the other day, and I think I'm hooked. I love Bawls. I mean, I just can't get enough Bawls.
I figured my dad should try it, cause he's just like that. He said as long as I tried some of his beer. You know
what? That crap is the bitterest liquid you could ever put down your unsuspecting throat. I almost puked. How the
hell is this shite so popular? People get addicted to drinking it! Addicted! My dad thinks its great that …
It must be that time of the month or something... I think I got petra stable again. She decided not to do anything for more then 3 or 4 seconds (which included a ssh window, but I got one on long enough to restart her) today but I think I got her back. This apparently was caused by the addition of "BNETD" to her list of programs. On top of that I think the router didn't like something she did and decided to crash. Actually it just stopped forward…