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Why the hell aren't I in bed now?

Chatted with Francis the other day. Looks like we're going into the site hosting business.
We can't seem to generate any worthwhile content on our own, so drop me a line
if you're interested in doing it for us. I have yet to work out the details with Frances, but personally, I would find
running this an interesting experience. As for you, all I would like is: proof that you have a well developed concept in mind,
keep your page updated somewhat re…


I'm in school right now. Apparently our teacher for Cisco has decided to pretend he doesn't like us and says "I can't handle this kind of respect from you people. I'm going to change the program and get you a different teacher!" Well a few of us are calling his bluff. We heard from a former teacher (Mr. Yanakis) that we weren't going to keep this guy (Mr. Rodriguez) as our teacher anyway. His response was "Mr. Yanakis knew you were going to be ba…

Reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated

Ok, I figured that there was no point in posting until I had something to post. "Does this
post mean you changed your mind, then", you ask? No you fool! It means... that I have something
to post! That friend of a friend who has that comics site atImagination Comics has finally returned from the great white north and is living about five
blocks from me. This means that I will soon begin working on migrating his site off geoshi-i mean
geocities and…


Petra (Dawn-Ann) is now truly a headless server. For some reason today her keyboard inputs started messing up and failed completely. Her mouse wasn't hooked up at the time but its dead too. After some work I found the problem is hardware on the motherboard. Sucks for me. I think it doesn't matter though as long as things continue to work. I can only pray though.


Cable VS. DSL

When I got DSL it took 6 weeks. It was slow and latent and if it didn't blow dial-up access out of the water it would have hardly been worth the trouble. I ended up changing providers, modems, speeds, and locations before ending up with my Earthlink connection at 1.5mbit/s downstream and about 80kbits up.
I got cable Internet from time warner in two days. I get 2mbits a second down and about 1mbit up, on a bad day.
I'm back from vacation and I'm …


These people rock. Ever since the beginning I've had problems with people accessing my site. That is now over. I'm on a 2 day visit back to NY but I leave again tomorrow. Thank god for the open source community. If it weren't for them I would have never figured out how to fix the stupid problem (MTU needs to = 1472 not 1500 and I still don't know why).
And props to Kevin.


I love to drive

I'm officially away on vacation right now but my mom needed to take a test back here in the city so I drove her in. I'll be here until sometime tomorrow, but I would like to make it back before people leave their camp fires.

Emily has taken this vacation time to learn PHP, she has created (from almost scratch) a completely new news PHP (we're not using it as of yet) it looked pretty cool and seemed to have some support for different users. It wil…

Status (been a long while)

Petra has her old kernel back. Bout time. Well her new one doesn't like to use her network card. I should have it all fixed up by tonight (well later tonight.)
Oh and I'm home.
And I cut myself for the first time while shaving today. I think its because I ordered an electric one from amazon the other day. It didn't want to leave with out a mark.


Status (updated)

Remote access to Petra has been halted for today and possible tomorrow. I'm doing my first kernel upgrade. Wish me luck.
(My lack of computer time struck again and I have been unable to complete the compile and setup, it needs a good hour or so of uninterrupted access and I don't have that yet)


Quick Ideas

I don't have constant computer access out here but I do have a few things to mention.
1) I'll be able to setup virtual domains quite easily for the cartoon site. I also have no problem providing web space, its just a matter of needed time. (and how his domain name will work out)
2) feel free to make any changes or additions to the site while I'm gone, as far as I'm concerned its as much my site as it is yours.
3) Never Never Never hike 3 miles up…

Miss me?

Tit's me again. No, not him, he's in the middle of the desert. To tell the truth, I've been afraid to show my face around here, due to the fact that I have done nothing but make snide and sarcastic remarks on this page. So where did I get the courage to post once more, you ask? Why, I am in the process of getting a buddy of mine's comic site moved here. This is taking a while because he's in Canada (shudder) right now, and I can only talk to him …

Cya all

Well this is it, I'm gone for 3 weeks. I finaly got the dynamic IP updater to play friendly so will stay up by its self. I failed to get the new kernel in place though, I just didn't have time. Maybe If I'm luck Koudelka will find him self board one night and do it him self. But its not bloody likely. (Its ok, he's going to be busy enough for him self.) I should probably stop screwing around and finish packing, then goto bed. I hav…

Staff page, tweaks, staff pics, notepad, and napster

It's hard to believe that using notepad was the cause of the problems. We shouldn't have to worry about that any longer, as I am now using nano. I fixed the staff page as requested and I am still tweaking the appearance of the pages. It's going to take some thinking to automatically insert staff pics in front of their updates. I'm pretty sure this will require an if...then block or a select case (switch) structure, but I'm not sure how the php wi…

Gnutella... Limewire

Koudelka kindly wrote a script for us that will correct any files that are "touched by windows". Oh and not this this is the forum for this kind of stuff but get "Limewire" its realy much better then napster in all regard.

Oh and if our content director could start with adding real stuff to the staff page, that would be cool. I'll get the photos I have in the appropieate directory sometime tomorow, but I've been pretty bussy packing latly so I ha…

Troubleshooting and Notepad..

Just as a note to everybody, I hate Microsoft's notepad. It likes to do thing the microsoft way (wich is always wrong) and add a single charecter to the end of every line it writes (one that looks like this "^M" actualy). This is bad and evil and horrible. This is also the reason why the news was screwed up. I fixed the news entries and the dammaged php code.(I also implimented the new design thoughout the site. Oh and on a side note; It would be… © 2025
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