
There are 359 posts with this tag.

Happy New Year

I'm going to start this year with a shave. Fortunately for me I'm a gentile and I can bring a blade to my own face to remove my hair. But even if I wasn't I could send my blades to and they'd modify them so I could get a crappy but kosher shave.


I also have some photos and videos to share with you.

New Year 2004


My new obsession

Someone made a babylon 5 game and I happen to think it kicks a lot of ass.

[Insert some comment on vector independent rotation and thrust]



Morning Ambush

This morning I was mugged by 5 people with an iPod.

More later.


(PS. To the 14 people that were in on this... You guys rock!)

I hope you see this.

I was driving down the west side drive the other day and took a horrible picture of *this* car. The people in it were nice enough. We chatted long enough to take the picture and for me to give them my URL. Who ever you are hope you enjoy the pictures.



Just a warning: To my Dad, my family my friends. This semester hasn't been the greatest academically. I will have more credits to show then I did last semester. I mean I dam well better, no excuse this time - not that the excuses mattered anyway. I'm at risk for loosing my financial aid because of the grades. Unfortunately it will be several weeks until I can know for sure what will happen.

I just want to say that I'm waking up. I've found the sp…


I should be expecting some strange dreams tonight. I just finished up watching Stigmata. Religion is a topic I haven't touched in a while.



I'm interested in hearing what people think about this guy's comment.

Click here to read it.

Personally... I'm not sure what to say at all.


Good News and Bad News.

Because I believe that you should get bad news first, I'm going to give it to you first.

Defendant Name
Payment Information
Transaction Date
Penalty Amount
$ 98.00
Convenience Fee
$ 3.00
Total Paid
$ 101.00

The convenience fee seems to be a penalty for paying the ticket online. I got this ticket on my approach to Clayton a small town/speed trap near Glassboro. The speed limit changes 4 times with …

Place holder

I'll have some sort of update tonight. I'm going home from being home... yea =D

It was good turkey for anyone who was interested.

Jagged Little Sleeping Pill

Last night I went to sleep after drinking some tea and taking a sleeping pill. I don't remember what exactly was involved but this morning I came to my computer to find this away message on my computer.

drugs - they'll make you seep

specifally if thats what the doctor todl them to do

I must have been out of it :-p

Read more for some responses.


09:48:59 : that is an away message and a half
09:48:59 reconbot: drugs - they'll make you seep…

Tea and Cookies

My window is open and the cold air blowing over my cup is making my tea steam.



Bleeding heart

What was that? Oh yea. It's a Mad Mad World.
Donnie Darko - Mad Mad World

So while its late now, its nothing compared to the fact that around 6am last night I realized I had to wake up at 9am and goto school. Sleep finally did come to me in the form of several naps through out the day. I'm about to sleep right now. I have to.

I got my car back from the shop. The only thing broken was the break lights. I'm sure I'll do a follow up post about the entire thing but I'll sum it … © 2025
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