
There are 359 posts with this tag.

You've got a cup and you've got noodles

I went to make myself some Ramen noodles. Not just any ramen noodles but ramen noodles that I broke an egg over while I was cooking them. My mother told me that it was a tasty way she got protein with her sodium, back in college. It's easy too.

I went looking for the Official Ramen Homepage but found a better Official Ramen Homepage instead, complete with it's own Quick Egg Ramen. The other day I threw an egg in with a Cup Noodles and while I had…

Thursday baseball game

This past weekend I finally got out of the house and got to have some fun. I've been working.. a lot.

Thursday I went to a baseball game. I went to a baseball game not long after (with a little advice and help from one Tony White) I cracked the lid on a database that I've been working on for far to many months. Conceptually anyway. I wrote it all down and rushed off to meet brian in times square to go hang out at Yankees stadium, eat peanuts and …


Sarah showed me some post cards.

Some are really sad, but others make you smile because they're about guilty pleasures.

You can send them post cards too.

Happy Easter

Happy Easter, or Happy Sunday if you're not into that kind of thing.


I found 3 socks that aren't mine.

Are they yours?

Stop All The Downloads

I did a 180 in the space of one and a half lanes. I love driving in light snow. Not hellish deep snow I vowed never to drive again with (at all ever noun noun verb noun).

By the way a 180 being a U-Turn.

I had my 21st birthday the other night and people are still staying over at my house to go home monday morning. This has been a really good birthday, complete with a Chinese dinner I don't remember, pool, Jazz, ping pong, a wonderful italian dinn…

Cheer up emo kid,


I hope everyone has been well lately. I've been around brookly here and there. Working, sleeping, just.. I dunno being. I got a few parking tickets? I'm sorta at a loss for typing today, I've been sleeping in a lot and I can't say it helps me think.

So I'm going to go and clean out that small list of things I want to put somewhere but never managed to put anywhere so it ended up in my inbox, or in a text file on my desktop. My virtual workspace …

Wishlist and My Birthday

So I was having a chat with someone and they asked if I had a wishlist.

Francis's Wishlist

That's it. But I'm also not above gadgets, toys (I love nerf guns), and land.

Thank you someone for giving me an excuse to flaunt my upcoming 21st birthday and my wishlist. I'd hate to do this unprevoked. =D

Snow Drive

I'm never driving again. The two hour drive from Glassboro to Brooklyn took me 4 and a half hours today. I also leaned that living on a hill is never as good as they tell you it is, my car taught me this. I got stuck twice and had to dig my self out. The first time I got stuck I was by a pet food store so I put on my blinkers and walked down. I explained to the guy what was going on and asked him to point me in the direction of the kitty litter. …


Finally finally home.

1pm to 4:15 pm (GMT and EST respectivly)
London to Toronto

Became 1pm-5:45


6:15 PM to 8:00 pm (EST)
Toronto to NYC

became 6:15-10pm (EST)

Ice storms in canada, fog everywhere (looks really cool from the air)

More later, sleep now.


Sweet Jeepers.

2pm to 7pm (GMT - with then an hour on the tube and the bus)
Edinburgh to London

1pm to 4:15 pm (GMT and EST respectivly)
London to Toronto

6:15 PM to 8:00 pm (EST)
Toronto to NYC

It's a lot of traveling but I'm going home!

PS. My first reaction to the Mac Mini was "It's a deck!". It's about the size of a mousepad, 2 inches high. I'm in the middle of reading "Count Zero" by William Gibson. In most of his books computers are just "de…

Train Delays

So I'm about to go to Edinburgh (I hope I got that one right) and I decide to check in with the information booth first.

I show the lady my ticket.
"Can I take the one o'clock?"
"You can but it won't get you to Edinburgh."
"What should I take then?"
"Nothing, You can't go there, not today."

Bad weather, train power lines are down and such. So I leave bright and early tomorow.

Babel-17 was amazing. I feel bad for bad mouthing Sam (I forget his ful…


(I don't have my usual spelling and gammer tools on hand so what your getting is %100 pure francis style engish. I'm not even trying hard. I'll fix it up later.)

So I've been wandering around London lately. It's nice. Old. I mean there's history eveywhere. You can't go to the corner store with out some deep history around it. (in the heart of london anyway, I'm staying out in Harrow, on the hill. Everything is old, around 200 years or so but not … © 2025
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