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MJ Had A Patent

Michael Jackson died yesterday prompting a DDOS attack on the worlds news organizations and Google. Whatever became of him doesn't change the fact he knew what he was doing when it came to putting on a performance and singing a song. I'm going to share one my favorite facts about him, he had a patent for shoes.

Method and means for creating anti-gravity illusion

Smooth Criminal Lean

No wires just shoes.

It's fascinating to watch these videos, but boy is he ever weir…


I took an arm off my chair today so I could use my mouse and keep my arm at a decent level. The left one is for appearences and so I have something to lean on. For a cheap $150 staples chair (*grumble*) the arm rests not lowering enough is my only major gripe. It does pretty good.

Francis 'one' arm

Ray Anderson on the business logic of sustainability

This is a talk from "America's Greenest CEO". He's transformed his petroleum intensive carpet tile company's business practices into a sustainable business practices. That's a fancy way to say he's shifted from taking from the earth to make carpet (which eventually ends up as trash) and started paying attention to the whole cycle of his goods. So there's less waste, carbon, and materials. He tasked his company to figure out a way to use sustainab…

Is that an antenna in your pocket?

I'm cleaning up some old draft posts that I never wrote out. This one is even more relevant today then when I planned to write it.

I own a dirfwear wallet, and while it isn't perfect at blocking rfid tags at close range (3-4 inches) its a dam good walet and will stop distanc…

100Mbit Internet

This post contains a little bit of bragging. My internet setup at work is pretty simple, we have two T1 lines (not counting our voip trunk or our DID lines but that's sort of telephone) going into two different Cisco PIX firewalls and behind those an old Cisco 2600 to do basic routing.

Network map

One does NATing and port forwarding for our normal internet usage, as well as port forwarding from different IPs for our email and web servers. It's important tha…

DNS Changes

I've changed dsn servers today for roborooter and few other domains, let me know if you had a domain and it stopped working. Or if you can't send me email, jabber requests or anything like that.


PS For the record DNS Made Easy is a good service I just don't need it.

TWIT's Intro Visualization Looks Very Cool

I wanted to email Leo Laporte but he gets too much email. So I figured I'd make it an open email and then twitter about it. Talk about a backhanded way to get someone's attention, but I guess when you're as popular as he is you can only do so much.Leo,I was playing with some audio processing tools with a friend and we loaded up your latest twit and saw this. Did you know your intro looked so cool? That's crazy!On a side note, you can see this …

Love is a Peculiar Type of Thing

I'm not one for promoting other people's work if I haven't gotten to really see it myself. But I really like Box Brown's comic bellen and when he asked if people could promote his completely self published, done on a grant, support himself when he's out of work book, I thought, "I can do that."

Love is a peculiar type of thing.


Slider Test and Throwie Video

Instead of writing up a nice post about the party and showing off my brothers awesome video he cut for the occasion I instead was playing with jQuery. Specificly testing outAriel Flesler's ScrollTo pluginwhich I think is pretty cool.

I present to you for your viewing pleasure,my slider test!I couldn't help but use some ofSara'sthrowie pictures.

And let me tout the video anyway.

Throwies Year Two

Two years ago I got a crazy idea. For my twenty third birthday instead of the usual drinking and debauchery we'd do something different. Most of my friends thought I was crazy and it was a stupid idea, but since I was footing the bill I was able to convince a bunch of people to give it a try. If anything, good people, good food and good music usually makes for good times. =)

It went over well. (Photo Credit Jeanette Hayes)


Now two years later I'…

The E-Persons in our lives

Occasionally people come to me and ask about websites.

"Francis, I need help on making website."
"Well.. what are you up to? "
"I have an idea of something I'd like to sell online."

Usually it's cookies, sometimes it's t-shirts, a lot of times it it's services they want to offer. Most of these people have zero programming or html experience. If I told them paypal had an api to allow your site to create invoices and process payments they wouldn'…

Travel time to major cities

GEM: The Global Environment Monitoring unit is a European commission that makes up on of six units in IES: The Institute for Environment and Sustainability. The IES is a group of scientists (about 65 according to theirabout page) that are devoted to making sure development in Europe and the world is done is such a way that it doesn't cause problems. Today I stumbled upon a project they did called, "Travel time to major cities: A global map of Ac…


I occasionally get into the discussion about why I haven't finished college and why I never bothered to get certified in anything. I like to believe past performance is a good indicator for future performance. I have a decent resume with a few good jobs that I've put a few years in on. I try all sorts of things on my own all the time. I want to go for jobs that allow me to learn and keep expanding my repertoire. I worry that I don't have the skil… © 2025
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