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Paxil - The mind killer.

I'd like to first take a moment to say that you don't really need to give me money. While I don't want to pay $450 for a week of camping its not like I'm saving homeless puppies or something with that money. Hopefully Jenny and my parents will find some cash to give me to help foot the bill. Now onto the important stuff.

I've been taking paxil for around 4 months and thursday (with out knowing what I was jumping into) I stopped. I didn't just go …

Give me bucks.

I am short of money. August 3rd to August 10th I would very much like to be out in the woods.
Unfortunately a cabin at the camp I've been going to for 11 years cost around $450 dollars.
Its on a lake, the people are great, you don't even need to lock your doors.
I love it there. And on top of that my brother loves it there and I really want to take him. And my friend Jeanette she really wants to go too!

Here's the deal. To the left you'll see a p…

How are you?

I'm an idiot but I think I'm going to make some changes to roborooter. Update it a bit. Not news wise but backend wise. I want to put the photos back, (and add some more) have comments on news (I don't know if I want this or not =p) and who knows what else? Just some stuff.

Updates: I suprised the hell out of my self but I am awake! In the morning!
Today I plan on: Getting Andrew's Birthday thing planned,
Working on Opinion Online, Doing that thi…

It's Friday Again.

I lost what I was previously typing and I still intend to expand on what I have written below. But I'll do that later for now let me add to the list.

I want to make a moral draft for my self. Maybe.. Kind of like a personal 10 commandments. Unfortionatly I don't belive my self propperly qualified for prepreration of such a document. I'll should be looking at previous attempts I gather.

I'm happy. I've been going in and out of depression for a whi…

It's sunday again.

Below is the outline of todays update. I think I might now be awake enough to finish it. So if your reading this check back tomorow for the complete version.

sunday updates
baine of spellcheck
visiting my best friends
jill and bill
1994 being last year
Andrew's blog and thoughts on revealing innermost thoughts


Watching the Sopranos puts you Six Feet Under.

HBO On Demand. I find out after how many months that we already pay for HBO
ON Demand? Aparently with no extra cost (besides the monthly fee they already
have us paying and we didn't know it) I can go and take my remote and click
my way into almost any HBO show, movie, or special.

Over the past few days I've watched the first 6 episodes of Six Feet Under and
right now I'm on my 4th Sopranos episode (this one is number 21).
I'm seeing dead people …

What a way to live

"If you follow your bliss,you put yourself on a kind of track, which has been there all the while waiting for you, and the life that you ought to be living is the one you are living ."

-Joseph Campbell

A hard days work.

Yesterday a little girl ran up to me and hugged my leg hiding behind it. She thought I was her mother. I had seen her before in the Laundromat she was very proud that she got to put the money in the machine and was telling everyone much to her mothers dismay. She must have only been three. Anyway she had just gotten her self into a fight with the pizza guy. ("You can't punch me!" "Yes I can!" "Ha! you just gave me five! I won't give it back. You …

A guest update on Interpretation of the matrix reloaded

Recently Francis and I were talking about the matrix reloaded and I clarified some things he didn't understand fully and one thing led to another and I ended up writing this post up so that more people might hear my opinion on what was happening in the matrix reloaded.

As some one who has seen the matrix reloaded more then once, I have
come to think I understand some of the more complicated symbolism and confusing aspects of
the plot. Parts of my…

Rainy days.

I had just gotten back from PC Richards ran up the stairs of the park slope yoga center when I realized that I had no money and I hadn't eaten. Scratch yoga again. I'll make it into that place eventually. Instead I walked in the rain to the bank and got some cash and headed home. About a block after I had passed it I doubled back and went to key food. It was nice walking the isles. At first I tried to carry the food - I got to remember to take ca…


I'm currently waiting for my laundry to finish drying. I've been cleaning and throwing stuff out all day. Well, that's a lie I wasn't up all day. For some reason I woke up around 5pm. I didn't goto bed late or anything... I dunno what happened. Its almost 3am now and I have work tomorrow I need to sleep soon.

I'm happy to say I finally got my self a punchdown tool. Soon I'll be getting a toner and a probe. I've been wanting these tools for a long…

What to write.

I think I'll post some of that stuff I never finished. I usually make notes about what I want to write and then expand them. The notes are included. But first I'd like to say that this site on its current host will never have any ads. I guess its for the best but I almost made a dollar selling ad space.

Date: Sun May 4, 2003 23:41:51 America/New_York

Subject: Thursday

One day I want to raise my kids in a place like this.I sit on the porch swing …

Andrew is a Uber Skill.

Penny Arcade is quite funny.

Some of you are suggesting it might be a problem on my end, that maybe I
have a shitty connection. That hurts. That is like a guy telling you his
marriage is going down hill and you say "Well did you ever think that
maybe your dick is too small?"

But Lately I've been reading Little gamers lately.



The first picture of earth from mars was taken the other day. While as far as pictures go it sucks it is still quite amazing. I'd credit the following pictures if I knew where they came from. Probably

As I said its a crappy picture. The image on the right shows what you're seeing. This comes from a much larger picture that also shows Jupiter and our moon. But I warn you its quite large and is mostly black. You can find it here.

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