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I was talking with some of my friends the other day. One of them is about to venture into college and is thinking about becoming a teacher, another who has already ventured is thinking about it too. This is at Brooklyn College, which is cheep, close to Park Slope, and is dam good at education education.

Here at rowan My roommate melissa is graduating. She's been a senior for a little while and was finishing up some minors when she decided that sh…


Tonight I saw A Perfect Circle in concert. They were pretty good and who ever was managing the show did them justice. The lighting, the set, the sound it was wonderful that manager did right by APC.

I have also confirmed my belief that even though it's an hour and 45 minutes away from here (as opposed to 30 minutes) the sound at PNC Bank Arts Center is twice times better then Camden's Tweeter Center and that it vastly makes up for extra traveling…

Makes me sick.

Tri City Herald ran a story about some kid who drew anti-war sketches for a school assignment. The kid turned it in and the school turned him in to the Secrete Service. Can you honestly believe this?

Thanks to Mom who emailed me the article.


Apple Script

So I wrote a Shell Script.

cp -v `lsof |grep -i QTP| grep iTunes|awk '{ print $9 }'` ~/Desktop/

And then someone else wrote an applescript wrapper.

set originalFile to do shell script "lsof |grep -i QTP| grep iTunes|head -1|awk '{ print $9 }'" if length of originalFile is greater than 0 then set newFile to POSIX path of (choose file name with prompt "Save movie as:" default name "iTunes") if length of newFile is gre…


I'm sitting on my porch with the two good cats. I'm going over mail and BOOM! Some engine starts and sends all the geese, and baby ducks wild! (Yes we now have at least one family of baby ducks!)

I'm going to try and find the ducklings tomorrow and take pictures.


Ali G

In order to lighten the mood I present you with yesterdays post run through the Ali G translator.


me is told panic attacks is all in your mind. yous can eitha fear da attack and ave one, or yous can ave somethin trigga it. i get triggered panic attacks, my breaf will shortun, my eart rate will increase, and i'll get palpitations dig crazy. i can calm down but my eart will still steadily beat away dig its got somethin to prove palpatin da…

Sleep and panic attacks

I'm told panic attacks are all in your mind. You can either fear the attack and have one, or you can have something trigger it. I get triggered panic attacks, my breath will shorten, my heart rate will increase, and I'll get palpitations like crazy. I can calm down but my heart will still steadily beat away like its got something to prove palpating the entire time.

I also can't sleep when I get worked up.

Today I finished a total of 11 hours of h…

Toaster Oven

I got a Toaster Oven for $5 at the Goodwill store. I don't know if everyone knows this but I've been wanted a toaster oven for a long time. Its like an oven with the convenience of a toaster. I can now make my toasted sandwiches with out having to heat up an entire oven!

Its like this one but has one dial for time and nothing else.

And while I may be pleased as punch I'm not quite as proud as this lady.


Paper Shredder

I've been a real fucking waste lately. I haven't been getting up, or going to class, or feeling fulfilled or happy. At least I get my self out of the house at least once a day, and I try to be active if you call my sheet of everyday stretches (that I do maybe twice a week) active.

I got a review book for calculous, I doubt the professor will be ecstatic that I've missed class but, eh.

Symbolic logic I'm doing all the homework so I'll be caught up…


Well our fucking landlord wanted to up the rent to $360 per person (didn't matter who was living there). With the same for the security deposit. If he didn't want us living there he should have said something and not pulled this bull shit. Tomorrow I'm going to see if there are offices I can visit to make sure I got all the facts strait. But to be honest I'm going there because he's not treating us like tenants, he's treating us like children.

I …

This one's for Nina

So I went and got 2 new shirts and a calculous book this morning. I'd buy another shirt if they had it in red instead of "rust".

I'm going to spend the rest of the day working on Symbolic Logic (If I could get the dam homework site to load.) and at 3 I'll be viewing my new apartment with the owner and 2 prospective room mates.

I'm also about to go get a haircut. My hair has gotten a little out of control for my tastes. I'll have to see how short …

La Vita Ë bella

La Vita Ë bella or Life is Beautiful is a wonderful movie. I saw it on sunday which happened to be Holocaust Remembrance Day so it was fitting. The story is about... a boy. He's really a man, a goofy, amazing one named Guido Orefice but he's a boy at heart. Not that he's young and irresponsible but he loves life and he's fun, knows how to make the most out of a situation. He really knows how to make the most out a situation. Watching it made me r…

Boiler plate.

Hi. I have changed the stylesheet for this site, and I got it from Movable Style! Blah blah blah...

Thats all Movable Style wanted for use of their Stylesheets. I'm going to be playing with a few over the next couple of days. I'll probably end up with a bunch mixed together.

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