Page 38

Place holder

I'll have some sort of update tonight. I'm going home from being home... yea =D

It was good turkey for anyone who was interested.

Jagged Little Sleeping Pill

Last night I went to sleep after drinking some tea and taking a sleeping pill. I don't remember what exactly was involved but this morning I came to my computer to find this away message on my computer.

drugs - they'll make you seep

specifally if thats what the doctor todl them to do

I must have been out of it :-p

Read more for some responses.


09:48:59 : that is an away message and a half
09:48:59 reconbot: drugs - they'll make you seep…

Tea and Cookies

My window is open and the cold air blowing over my cup is making my tea steam.



Taos New Mexico

I uploaded my pictures from my trip to Taos, New Mexico.

You can view them here.

I visited New Mexico the summer of 2001 for a month. I lived out of hotels, people's houses and a travel trailer. Worked building houses out of adobe, or in the main office on the computers. (The way they figured it, they had plenty of volunteers that could work on the buildings and only Me who could do what I could do at the office.)

But it wasn't all work. I went t…

Bleeding heart

What was that? Oh yea. It's a Mad Mad World.
Donnie Darko - Mad Mad World

So while its late now, its nothing compared to the fact that around 6am last night I realized I had to wake up at 9am and goto school. Sleep finally did come to me in the form of several naps through out the day. I'm about to sleep right now. I have to.

I got my car back from the shop. The only thing broken was the break lights. I'm sure I'll do a follow up post about the entire thing but I'll sum it …

Bitch Bitch Panther

I just wanted to bitch that while Apple's Backup doesn't backup programs. Nothing ending in .app (which is the extension for programs if you didn't know) so while I saved my music, and my pictures, and thousands of files of unwanted internet cache I don't have a single program. Ohh yea, I erased my hard drive and installed Panther. That and Melissa doesn't like the toaster strudels I bought. Well she can go fuck the ducks, dam things don't have t…

A quicky dictionary

I was in New York this weekend. I've got a bunch to say but I'll do it later.

For now just know that I got a new pair of shoes and that they came with a free dictionary. Gotta love New York. Oh and got to love Poky too.


A little updates here and there

A little known blog has popped up run by the people in my apartment.

I would like to point out my post.
Tomacco, You know the half tomato half tobacco plant from the Simpsons? Yea, its real now.

Don't forget your bling bling.
The Gothamist on Bling Bling

And last but not least.
One man's interesting presentation on his trip to New York

I have to say not living in New York City has made it a lot more interesting.


Suprise Gallery

I have a big surprise for all of you. Andrew has been bugging me to do this for a long while and now its done.

Roborooter's Gallery

I'll have more new pictures up as time goes on and all the old pictures with in a couple of weeks.



A little update from me

Its been quite a week, I'm kind of shocked its almost over. For almost a month I've been taking a drug called Effexor XR on the advice of my school's psychiatrists. I can't say I've liked the effects of it. I've been quite out of it this week. I can't completely blame the drug though, this past weekend was pretty hard on the emotions too. And as a friend pointed out today that I start acting odd even before I take the drug (though I didn't notice…

Sarah's photos from our PA NYC trip.

So I haven't been carrying around my camera much. So sue me. Actually I kind of kick my self for it sometimes because I happen to like taking pictures. But thatís life and I'll live. Fortunately for me Sarah always carries her camera and since she came with me on our trip visiting Bill and to NYC to pick up my brother I have photos to show you from it.

Now Bill lives in Allentown, Pennsylvania up in the mountains. The whole drive up is really bea…


Sarah and I took a trip to New York a few weekends ago. She got to see my house, meet my dad, Jenny, and we took my brother Nick down back with us. I'll have photos later tonight. For now Enjoy the movie.

Download Movie


Human Advancement

I've been staring at this link for a while and I figured I'd share it with you. I'll copy the text of it below. Its something good to think about.

(Its in reference to people dealing with new technologies.)

Re:I welcome our new e-paper overloads...
by Jace of Fuse!

Your point almost makes sense, until you consider the fact that all people are in fact suffering from more stress and enduring more psychological problems than pr… © 2025
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