
There are 359 posts with this tag.


I waited for the subway for 3 hours today, what gives?


Right out of my life


I love you folks, but I have to say this comic couldn't have come at a better time.

Ehh, sickness

I'm a lot better, I'm not perfect, I'm still pretty sick, but I'm a lot better then I was. Alex didn't make me sick, I wasn't trying to suggest that, the cold, me forgetting to wash my hands a lot and germs made me sick. I was infected by the power of science ladies and gentlemen.

I felt a little sick, so I bought some Airborne, figured it would help knock the cold out. I fell asleep early.

I was really stuffed up and had a huge h…

Ugg Sicknesss..

I was determined not to get sick this winter, I even went and bough some of that hand sanitizer for work.

But.. alas, I'm sick. How did I get sick? How did a virus get past my gaurd and be able to infect me? I guess I'm just a sucker...

Thanks for Giving

I hope everybody had a good Thanksgiving. I know I did.

We drove out to Long Island my mother, father and I, my brother didn't come. He was invited but he's still got issues about being around the family, really, he should grow up about that, but he's 15, it's hard enough to do at any age. His cell was out of service so we couldn't call him, but when I saw him the next day I wished him a happy thanksgiving anyway. I missed him, but there's no poi…

I was a doctor

I was.
Francis as a Doctor taken by Jeanette Hayes

Most of america dressed up last monday (the one before the one yesterday) for an event known to many as Halloween. I on the other hand was not aware of this event, but as it turns out it saved me from charges of impersonating a doctor.

Now that I think about it, my plan to get free tongue depressors was pretty thin as it was.

I missed the parade (work) but Rocketboom attended and it was great.

What a week it was

(OLD POST REVIVAL WARNING - This post originally intended to air on May 3rd but was never published. I finished it from some notes I left for myself and here it is in all it's patch worked glory. I apologize in advance for the break in flow, but there was almost a month lost somewhere in the middle. - And now months later I'm posting it.)

This past weekend I finally got out of the house and got to have some fun. I've been working.. a lot.



I got a Kitten, his name is Alex. He's quite a kid he is. He's about 7 weeks old.

I just found out that Sammy died. I lived with her at my old apartment. She was really nice, a lovely cat.

I was offered Alex about two weeks ago (probably exactly two weeks by the time I hit save on this post.) by Jenny, who was given him by a Local Vet, who received him from a 10 year old boy who found him in Queens.

He was named after Alex Mack who was a girl, bu…

Indian food (wine and Nan)

So I'm eating with a bunch of Columbia students in an indian restaurant on 6th st. I'm there with Tom and two of his friends from Rhode Island internship at a chemical plant (I think). One of them goes to columbia so we also have 3 more people from columbia.

6th street between 1st and 2nd ave in Manhattan has a lot of indian food restaurant. (The map doesn't really show them.)

We picked the pace we were in because they offered us free wine and Na…

As seen on myspace

I was told to write something about "heros". I thought about the sandwiches but I was just hungry at the time. I wrote this and then got some lunch. I don't know if I'd call them all heros, but I'm happy they're around, and I guess that's enough.


This is a hard one, personally I know some people who to me are the most wonderful human beings I've ever met. Big influences in my life. You don't know them.

Publicly I'll list some name…

Plane Crashes and Abandon Buildings.

It's bright and sunny outside so go for a walk in the park or sit in a garden. It's beautiful out there.

Now wait until it's dark.

Last Words of airplane pilots right before or during their crashes. Some of them even have audio recordings.

Abandoned buildings, unfinished apartment complexes, abandoned factories, mostly from russia.


16 Rules for survival.

“Robert, they canÔøΩt eat you!” My rules for survival.

I can't express how much sense they make and how I've noticed that as I get better at.. um life. I've actually started doing some of these things. And just so you know Bob Parsons is the CEO of a pretty decent domain registrar.

Reproduced without permission here are the rules.

  1. Get and stay out of your comfort zone. I believe that not much happens of any significance when we’re in…

They're opening up a commerce bank down the block.

I'm happy about the commerce bank being built down the block. The private parking lot was nice and all, and I did enjoy looking at the converted pig box that used to serve as a delivery.. vehicle, but I think the bank will be a lot more useful. I'll be able to walk down the block to count my change for free. (oh and do banking and things)

I was looking for a link on the penny arcades but I found nothing that just showed what it was (it counts the… © 2025
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