
There are 43 posts with this tag.

Is it just me?

I think that random image block keep showing me scary photos.


Oh and another scary thing, I saw 40-50, 14-16 year olds running wild on a subway platform while 2-3 of them duked it out. The amount of yelling and motion they created was breathtaking. It was like a riot.

"Schools out"


My arm hurt


I used some Antibiotic Ointment so it's much better now.


Scary Girl

So I saw this on TV, and well it was scary. These two girls came out of some screaming and giggling bubble and started dancing in a field. It was some PBS HD channel with kids shows for brain dead children who haven't learned anything ever. (Kids start out blank, remember?)

But this girl on the left, she's so scary looking. I mean... I normally don't say things like this but.. she's so fucking scary. Little brain dead children watching this show …


Click for larger version.

I meant to post this for Melissa on The Apartment. So I'm gonna go do that now.
But I have to say I miss the little guy. And Melissa has a nice milk crate there. ;-)


Declassified Moon Photos

A little while ago they let loose a few photos taken from our moon.

Forgive me Dial-Up users and don't forget to click for the larger versions




Alive and kicking.

I'm tired.

But its well deserved.

Sort of.

So I got up today and went to work. I took a cab because I was late. I had a 3:30 appointment that got rescheduled for 11:30 but some stroke of luck I had arrived at 11:10 - early. Spring and Greenwich (near the west side drive) isn't that far from brooklyn. Someone let me in the building and I took the old freight elevator upstairs. The entire office building used to be some industrial something or othe…

New Photo Section and a few words on movies.

So I saw that Michel Moore movie. What was it again? Oh yea Fahrenheit 9/11. I wasn't impressed. But I didn't pay a single cent to see it (I stole it - Michel Moore told me to) nothings lost but a few hours. Since the movie started out with a big fat lie, it kind of lost credibility with me. (10,000 points to who ever knows what the lie was.) I would have believed the movie too if I wasn't already privy to the information around this particular s…

Coffee and Cigarettes and Park Slope

Coffe and Cigarettes is a movie thats out now at BAM (probably other odd theaters too). I'd take a look at the trailer if anything. It looks odd yet fun and the cast is so amazing that I'm wondering what the hell is going on. You've got everyone from Roberto Benigni to Bill Murray to The White Stripes each in their own skit in this film.

(Btw I'm hosting that trailer off my own server not apples so if you want a link to show your friends either s…

Vote You Fiend!

I opened up a voting for a gallery.

The Cosplays of Otakon 2001

You can vote for each picture (give it a rating) and see the total. This is the first gallery I'm trying voting for. I want to see how it works out. =)


Taos New Mexico

I uploaded my pictures from my trip to Taos, New Mexico.

You can view them here.

I visited New Mexico the summer of 2001 for a month. I lived out of hotels, people's houses and a travel trailer. Worked building houses out of adobe, or in the main office on the computers. (The way they figured it, they had plenty of volunteers that could work on the buildings and only Me who could do what I could do at the office.)

But it wasn't all work. I went t…

Sarah's photos from our PA NYC trip.

So I haven't been carrying around my camera much. So sue me. Actually I kind of kick my self for it sometimes because I happen to like taking pictures. But thatís life and I'll live. Fortunately for me Sarah always carries her camera and since she came with me on our trip visiting Bill and to NYC to pick up my brother I have photos to show you from it.

Now Bill lives in Allentown, Pennsylvania up in the mountains. The whole drive up is really bea…

My home of late.

Yesterday I made a photo entry to one of my favorite sites Eyes Wide Shot. They have this 3x3 grid that each entry goes upon. You get 9 240x180 photos to work with and a title. You can either goto their site (I'm on the main page today but eventually you'll have to look through the archives.) or click the link below.

My home of late © 2025
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