Page 36

Art School Girl (Stone Temple Pilots)

I gotta girlfriend, she goes to art school
I gotta art school girlfriend yeah
I gotta girlfriend, she gotta girlfriend
We gotta girlfriend, girlfriend gotta go

She left her home from sweet alabama
Rose alabama for the city, new york city yeah

I told you five or four times

I gotta girlfriend, she goes to parties
Underground parties, andy warhol everywhere
She wears the leather, I wear the make up
Weíll never break up, been together for a month


To Be Humbled

Last night it rained. It was too cold for actual snow so a rain like ice storm took place in its stead. The already snow covered ground got a thin layer of ice. Not enough to cause any problems if you stepped on it and broke through to snow underneath (I love walking on snow like this by the way) but if it was on asphalt or concrete you have difficulty. To make matters worse the morning snow covered it all up so you couldn't tell one way or anoth…

TGI... the weekend!

Hello everybody.

Philadelphia is a wonderful city. It's got style, flare, and it's not New York. New York City is wonderful in its self but to have the same sort of gathering of culture somewhere else, filling a different city, its refreshing. And they have good cheesesteaks.

I consider myself lucky. I have Calculus 3 days a week (monday, wednesday, friday) at 8am, and Symbolic Logic twice a week (tuesday and thursday) at 9:50 am. I've got other …

Not Fooling Anybody

I found this site on some one else's website.

Not Fooling Anybody

Its a collection of store fronts that are pitiful modifications of older storefronts from other stores.

My favorite one has got to be Kembass Cleaners quite pitiful.


Update: I think I have my calc situation fixed. More later

Calc in SCIENCE BLDG†128

To add to my frustrations the one calc class that I got my self signed in to with the disdain of the department chair is the department chairs own calc class!!!!

The good news is it looks like they might close the class because it only has 3 people in it. The worse news is that I don't know if I can get signed into another calc class with out seeing him first.

I'm not liking this at all, not one bit. On top of that he's a bad teacher too. I check…

"Also, I was standing in Target today and I almost started shooting people, but then I remembered I was real." - In reference to playing to much GTA: Vice City on

I used to play GTA3 all day and then when driving on the road I'd size up Ambulances and Fire Trucks. To be honest it was kind of creepy.

On a slightly related topic I had an awesome dream where I had to fight some guy and his shadow with my sword so I could get my shield …

Bad day, good day

I had a good weekend hanging out with bill and his girlfriend. (Sarah too) I had never met her before but I told him that I approve. (I do.)

The next day I spent with Rowan University. I had a bad time and I didn't even finish everything that I needed to do. So I left and I have to finish the rest by phone or internet. I was also denied a loan for next semester and had to beg the head of Mathematics to let me retake calc again (as I got a D this …

Snooze is the Devil

I was reading. And its the reason why I got up at 8am this morning when my alarm went off instead of hitting snooze a couple of times.

(Going to bed around midnight helped too. In fact its probably the biggest reason. I'd hate to have to get up at 6am and have to goto bed at 10pm. I'm glad I don't.)


(Read More for the links text.)

Snooze is the tool of the devil (Score:5, Insightful)
by wowbagger (69688) on Mon 05 Jan 03:49PM (#7884155)

Made my day

Anita and Matt were over at rowan radio tonight and were playing "Double Shots" (2 songs by the same artist in a row). Well Anita (being a DJ) was and Matt was helping out best he could. In fact he called me to ask about the band JET. (I once left a JET CD over at his house so he knows I like the group.) I recommended the second song to play "Roll over DJ" (the first song was their big single "Are you going to be my girl?") and after playing it A…

Happy New Year

I'm going to start this year with a shave. Fortunately for me I'm a gentile and I can bring a blade to my own face to remove my hair. But even if I wasn't I could send my blades to and they'd modify them so I could get a crappy but kosher shave.


I also have some photos and videos to share with you.

New Year 2004

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