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I lied

Ok I lied sorta. I've written a whole lot but I never finished anything. I'll make sure to post it all this week and quit the one post a week deal. But for now I leave you with this quote.

"The most incomprehensible thing about the world is that it is comprehensible." -Albert Einstein



First off I got home safe and sound. A couple hours late mind you but safe and sound. My father (even at such a late hour) picked me up and drove me home.

(Writing in progress)

Going home.

I'm about to leave for the airport. I'll be home in about 8 hours. Wish me luck.


Flying home.

When ever I experience something spectacular I always fear that I will never be able to capture that event again. I always fear that I will never be able to share it with anyone else. I could write books and take pictures and tell stories but no matter how hard I try I can never get anyone else to see things how I have. My only hope is that as long as I keep trying it won't be a loss. Unfortunately things fade so fast when committed to memory tha…

Multi Update

I've got more to say but I'm too tired now. This is a long one anyway. =)

Clouds in Richland
I guess it has to do with the desert. The clouds in Taos New Mexico were amazing I have entire collections of photos of just the clouds. It includes everything from the small little puffy ones that travel for miles dodging the larger sprays of clouds with out form, from the titanic solid clouds that look like gigantic ships slowly cruising the sky to the …

Road Trip

This morning I drove my mother to the air port so she can start her journey home. I had to getup at 4:30am (western time) to drive her but it was worth it. And on the plus side I'm up early to pack for my trip to Seattle. I'm making the 4 hour trip rather soon. Wish me luck.

Apple opened up their online music service and updated the firmware on thier iPods (not to mention some very nice new iPods). I'm the proud owner of 12 (well my mother gave m…

The familiar beat and path.

I don't ever update enough. I meant to update this last night and then this morning and it just goes on and on and before you know it I haven't updated since last year and if I did it wouldn't matter anyway because no one would be around to read it.

There are a few things I've been meaning to announce.

I got a new cell phone the other day. Its insured for 2 years. I got a leather case that clips on and off your belt, car visor, etc. I got a head …

I don't post enough.

Let me start this post by saying I have a nice amount of jet-lag (2 hours sleep the night before doesn't help) and I'm not spell checking (at lest not now) but what else is new?

I started making a list of things (well I didn't actually) that I want to do once I get back from this trip. This is all assuming my foot is healed (I hurt it last saturday) and I'm not sick (I sorta am now).

I want to start by cleaning out my bedroom. Now it hasn't been …

Bye bye.

I'm leaving for 12 days tomorrow. I'm flying out to me grandparents. Feal free to e-mail me anytime.


Just to note I made the trip just fine. Its now 2:48 pm local time. (5:48 NY time I belive) I'm going to go soak in the hot tub.)

Umm.. Lots of stuff.

A lot of things have happened lately. Let me list them.

1) I got a new phone. Its the same number. And its new to me not exactly a "brand new" phone. I have to thank Cindy for this one. It used to be hers.
2) Frank's car (which he lent to me for a month) has died. I'll get into it later but it went in for repair and its not coming out. I left some stuff in it too...
3) I'm taking a leave of absence from Rowan University this semester - I'll be ba…

I hate the RIAA

In recent news the RIAA has been going after college students for illegal file trading. Hell you can be a rat for them too if you so please. They might buy you a pizza or something.



Sherman said that the RIAA will continue to investigate these types of services on college networks and that anyone with knowledge of such systems should report them to RIAA's music piracy hotline, 1-800-BAD-BEAT. "We hope that these suits serve as a stiff deter…

Good advice.

I started taking Paxil 3 days ago. Apparently I'm depressed or something, I dunno. If it helps it helps. But its kept my stomach pretty upset (side effects) I can barely eat anything.

In other news someone locked
the student center's back doors (the main ones) on april fools day and put up signs saying that the entrance was under repair and that students should use the other side. It was funny watching people walk away.

And in final thoughts neve…

Hi, I'm a tleco that makes crappy phones.

My Sprint PCS Touch Point Phone died today. (Never mind that I'm writing this tomorow) The batttery casing fell apart. (It comes loose easily - thats why these phones reset all the time.) I've got it scotch taped together while I copy all the numbers out. Its about time I got rid of it.

I'm registering for classes at Rowan for the Fall Semester tomorow. I have a meeting with my advisor (I still don't know who it is.) tomorow and I'll work out the… © 2025
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