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New Server

Hi, I moved servers today. Roborooter is now being hosted on a faster, not free, server brought to you by Fuitadnet. Let me know if any things don't load etc.


Car crash

So I was in an accident last night. (I'm posting this late - but the majority of it was written on the date given.)

Sorry Mom, I know you would have liked if I called. But I was ok and (luckily) it wasn't life threatening. I watched the car in front of me hit someone and veer off to the left. I watched the black mass of tire fly towards my windshield.

"Holy Shit!"

I got some minor damage, the sprawling mass of rubber and steel impacted with the f…

Song Titles that make me?

Forgive the canned post today, I have a lot to talk about but things have been pretty hectic lately and well... read this and send me one for you if you so please.

| Choose a band/or artist and answer only in song TITLES by that band:: | smashing pumpkins | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------|-------------------------------| | Are you female or male:: | …


I just realized that my pack of 25 DVD-R's are actually DVD-RW's and they are teh suck.

On a plus note, I saw Hellboy today. The movie wasn't phenomenal but I defiantly have respect for the Comic. I also discovered Ron Perlman who does the voice and plays for many cartoon characters and evil villains alike. He also played as hellboy.

Sarah lent me her Godhead cd today. Best band I ever forgot that I liked. Read on for the lyrics of "I hate today"…

Oh man...

So I've been watching some dvds. I just finished disk 1 of Season 4 of the soprano's (link on the right side until I return it), I'm also following with season 5 (every sunday). Its a little odd seeing the two story lines join up.

I still haven't seen the "Jesus" movie. But I'm told the European title is "Jesus Chain Saw Massacre" or maybe that was the Shapiro title... I don't remember. A lot of people have died because of this movie though. Here…

50 Classic Horror Films

Frank bought me this the other day.

I'm not sure if its a good thing or a bad thing, I love horror films yet there's 50. I can see my self wasting a lot of free time on this.

The back of the box lists all 50, I'm going to have to check them off as I watch them and X them out as they suck too much to finish. Now I'm sure I'm going to love Metropolis and I'm sure I'm going like seeing the original Night of the Living Dead (By the way I recently saw…

Crash into Me

Crash Into Me Lyrics

You've got your ball,
You've got your chain
Tied to me tight, tie me up again.
Who's got their claws
In you my friend?
Into your heart I'll beat again
Sweet like candy to my soul
Sweet you rock,
And sweet you roll
Lost for you, I'm so lost for you

Oh, and you come crash into me
And I come into you
And I come into you
In a boy's dream
In a boy's dream

Touch your lips just so I know
In your eyes, love, it glows so
I'm bare-bone…

Spring Break

So I'm back. A week later and few dollars richer. I've decided that I can't wake up in the morning while in NYC. I've got an 18 year habbit of not sleeping at night in that city and while I tried quite hard, I could not break it. Thank god I have more luck here. (When I'm not up at this hour.)

I spent most of the week sleeping, I was going to say working but I slept through most of it. I did get a good 2 days worth in and got the cash to prove it…

Hand Spring - The White Stripes

I took my girl to go bowling downtown at the red door
after an argument I started
cause I thought she didn't like me anymore
I can't help it sometimes I feel pitiful
and of course she's so young and beautiful

I bought us two glasses of coke
that's her favorite and I wanted to make up for earlier
but I dropped her glass and it broke
so I just gave my glass to her

she laughed and so did I in our lane
and then she went to a vending machine
to buy a …


Society passing on your essence so to speak. If you don't have a good one to remember your accomplishments and remember you then what are doing? You'll be forgotten.

Franks a long time ago told me about a musician named Muddy Waters. He's is quite good. You've heard his music before.

Mannish Boy
Ooooooh, yeah, ooh, yeah

Everythin', everythin', everytin's gonna be alright this mornin'
Ooh yeah, whoaw
Now when I was a young boy, at the age of five


The ULC is so ghetto. That aside I am now Reverend Francis Gulotta.

Here are my "Credentials of Ministry" complete with a php error and everything.
Download file

I hear by pronounce you married to Dick Clark in The Werewolf of Woodstock and there's nothing you can do about it.


Some Like it Hot

Some Like it Hot was a cute movie about two musicians who pretend to be girls to escape the mob and leave for Florida with an all girls band. My favorite scene has got to be the train car party. These two guys dressed as girl surrounded by 15 girls in their sleeper bed. The girls trying to get drunk and tickling. Like... if it wasn't 1959 I'd be worried about about the goings on, but it wasn't anything of bad taste. Despite these two guys who des…

Life is like a Tree

I'm thinking in this tree analogy. I'm somewhere up where the branches start.

I'm not sure what to do.

You see. Josh isn't going to be living off campus again. Too many surprise bills, people owing you money, etc. I agree its stressful not knowing how much money you're going to have at the end of the month and wondering if its going to be enough. In the short term I don't have to deal with those problems, in the long term I do.

I'm doing well in …

311 - Love Song

Whenever I'm alone with you
You make me feel like I am home again
Whenever I'm alone with you
You make me feel like I am whole again

Whenever I'm alone with you
You make me feel like I am young again
Whenever I'm alone with you
You make me feel like I am fun again

However far away, I will always love you
However long I stay, I will always love you
Whatever words I say, I will always love you
I will always love you

Whenever I'm alone with you
You …


So I had to park in a spot between two Suv's one of which had a ticket on it (for not moving during the alternate side parking I'd suspect). The spot was tiny and I bumped both suv's multiple times and even tried to move the one behind my car. (Thank god his bumper met my bumper instead of my taillights.) As I was parking all I could think of was my friend Matt telling me that in New Jersey people would pass a spot if there wasn't adequate cleara… © 2025
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