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I don't know the details as of yet (What I do know I'll tell you with the pictures) but here are the best pictures I took. Please excuse the quality my camera is packed for my move to school. (Read on!)


Okay, you see that cop car infront of the cab? Yea its one of the two cop cars involved in the accident.


If the camera was better you'd be able to read "Emergency Services" and "K-9 Unit" on these cops jackets.


This truck scared more people th…


Last night I saw radiohead in concert. *grin* It was good. I can't say I like the tweeter center too much though. (Its located in Camden right near Phillidelphia.) The sound isn't as good as other open air venus. At the PNC bank arts center (quite a bit north of the tweeter center but still in New Jersey) you can still feal the sound out on the grass. And as one of my friends who went to this concert says Madison Square Garden (not open air but j…

Sorry for the short notice

Sorry for the short notice but I'm going to family camp for the weekend. I wish you all a good weekend.


I saw a man beaten yesterday and I got ice.

I watched a guy beat another man on the subway yesterday. After we pulled into the 4th ave and 9th street station on the F train the doors opened and everyone in the car heard a loud smack. A black guy was beating an older businessman with an umbrella. Everyone on the train started making a commotion. "Stop that!" some woman (who had a lot to say even after we left the station) screamed after each hit. Everyone stared at the beating and I think s…

Let's talk about our problems.

All right I'm watching some stupid TV show on MTV. Road Rules. Like almost every other reality show out there they have the people talk about each other on camera after each event. I figure that if they didn't analyze every action each of them made then maybe they wouldn't hate each other so much. Can people over look differences if they truly arenít made to look at them? If I don't like you and I never stop to think about it, can we still get al…

Time to go back to school

Time to go back to school!
Who's with me?

In other news I commonly confuse the numbers 2 and 3. But in context it doesn't really matter anyway.


Mysterious And Reassuring

Why do I feel like instantly crying when someone is hurt or lost on television or in the stories I read? I feel like crying out when someone is about to do something stupid. "He's wearing a wire!" when Tony Soprano is talking to the snitch from season one. "The bridge is going to collapse!" when a character from one of my favorite tv shows is about to run over it to escape capture from the general bad guys.

But after it happens, they live, they d…

Life is the journey

Yesterday my car wouldn't start. I finally got jumped and then didn't have a problem after that but it worried me. I didn't get to go down to rowan because of it. Today my dad's car broke down and left my mother stranded in Queens. I went and got her in my car, had no problems, a nice ride. I had pizza with my mother, an Indian pizza place. Good stuff.

(Read On)

I'm kind of happy that HBO in demand has gotten the rest of season 3 of the Soprano's…


I'm going to change the site some more but for now I got it up and running. Enjoy.

I got to say something.

I was watching episode 3 of the Sopranos. Six minutes and thirty six seconds into the episode I hear.

"Get kicked out of concert singers and there goes our best extra curricular"
"Good bye Berkley hello Glassboro State."

What's the matter with Glassboro state?


I'll stop asking for money.

I'm kinda happy "Bittersweet Symphony" by the Verve just played. That song used to bring up a swell of emotions when I heard it. I used to play it over and over, the song its self doesn't evoke much. It is pretty though.

I took off the collected money for camp on the left side. My parents are covering it. Which is good considering I'm watching my brother, paying for food and actually driving him (And jenny and one of her sisters.) up to camp. I a…

Blue Man Group

Alright First off I have to say I'm really attracted to this link here. Second I'd like to quote from one of its comments concerning Burning Man.

"Go to a museum. Find one of Salvador Dali's more disturbing but beautiful paintings. Climb inside it."

Secondly I want to touch on the things I keep forgetting to mention.
Now I hate to sound like I'm joking but... I keep forgetting things, like what happened last week, or what I did yesterday. Things …

Muddy Waters

I wish I could write more but it is far to late to get a good entry started. If you get a chance go listen to some good blues music, like Muddy Waters for example. I also found out today that I weigh 199 pounds. Thats not me. I think I'm going to go buy roller blades tomorrow if I get a chance. My target weight is maybe 175, but honestly its not like I want to stop at a target. I just want to feel fit.

My withdrawal effects are lessening. I felt … © 2025
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