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I had a list of things to rant about.

Would you believe its already February? Wow only 14 more days before I'm the oldest possible teenager. (*note - rant about getting older removed.)

I know this is a shameless plug but I'll get it over with. Here, Here and here (the last has absolutely nothing to do with the first two - I don't actually want anything from this site.)

On a much cooler note the first episode of the Animatrix has been released.

(I'm not feeling the talkative vibe toda…

Back from the dead.

Well it took me a month but Roborooter is back. Sort of...
I'm now running on my universities server elvis. Elvis is a good machine and Mark my boss (who runs elvis) has home directory web-pages setup. So I can have my site here for the time being.

News from the front.
I've been learning a lot about security lately, the hard way. All three of my web-servers have been hacked. (Three you say? I thought you only had two!?) Petra who was running Robo…

Old age

I found this on slashdot and I thought it might do good reading it.

You know what? (Score:5, Insightful)
by SteweyGriffin (634046) on Saturday December 14, @04:05PM (#4888479)
I plan on living a long, healthy life.

This suit won't apply to me personally. Some people, yes. But those
people are the same folks who eat fast-food once or twice a day, never
exercise, don't have any spiritual beliefs or practices.

Jack La Lanne is nearly 100 years old, …


I had just found a new on campus apartment. Well it was a room in a frat(?) or something... It was a building but it wasn't that big. They had a room they would rent out for meetings and we'd serve food and drink. Some one moved out so there was a free bed. A lot nicer then my room in mimosa. I had most of stuff there already. My room mate wasn't around yet. I had moved in but could I stay? I went to the president's(?) room and talked with him. H…


Francis is moon walking (like a spaz)
down the corridor at the present moment, so I'm writing his update for
him (I'm Stef btw.) He stayed up all last night working on a Power Point
Presentation for Cassie, and got absolutely no sleep (it didn't help
that he left my house later than he probably should have). This meant
that when he came to visit me, he slept. For about 4 hours. Things went
well once he came to, until Amanda (my little sister) cam…

Another Dream

Those who know me well know that I have trouble dreaming. Everybody dreams every night regardless weather or not
they remember them. I... sorta do. I have both central and obstructive sleeping disorder. What does that mean? I
wake up while I sleep because my diaphragm forgets to breathe and when I lay down breathing becomes harder. I
don't become fully awake but enough to disrupt my REM sleep, the dream sleep. So the fact that I've had strong

World Regional Geography

I just spent 18 hours finishing my world regional geography report. Its now 6:50am. I've got 2 thing to say.

1) You can view the decrepit Microsoft word web page version here but I highly recommend you go and use Microsoft word
and download the actual report here. This is only if you
want to know everything about Poland or like reading my reports so you can find my mistakes and make fun of

2) Professor Hasse your a nice guy but fuck you. I ne…

Holy shit its back.

I just took a look at that date and cringed. Its almost Christmas and I
haven't gone shopping yet. I thought I'd have at least a week to take
care of things. Things sneak up on you I guess.

There has been so much I've wanted to write here since the site went
down. Which is entirely my fault. But it could have been back up 2 days
ago if I had just restarted apache. It took my friend Jason turning the
dam thing off (by accident? who knows) and then…

And the number 7

I uploaded mikes photos from his trip home last thanksgiving. They're a year old but we had some fun that day. These photos are also responsible for incriminating me with the destruction of a giant Styrofoam 1.

I've also been playing with this little file transfer program called rsync. I have my music on both my desktop and my laptop and I can keep them synced with just one easy command. I'm playing with it for a different reason though. I found …

Today's show is made possible by the letter E

Today I am a proud owner of a Blockbuster Video card. I rented Being
John Malkovich
a film by Charlie Kaufman. And Princess Mononoke or "Mononoke Hime" as it's originally called. I've seen both movies and
they are both very good in their own rights. They don't necessarily go to gether but that didn't stop me from
renting them. On a side note my good friend Sarah made a new webcam for me. I probably need to go take a few
more pics.



I'm kind of happy about this. I just got an email.

The Indian Student Council  (ISC) is proud to present the film "MONSOON

Monday, November 25, 7:30 p.m., Mimosa Hall Lounge

Set in present day Delhi, the film celebrates a contemporary India
never before seen on screen. This comedy-drama focuses on the Verma
family, who are about to celebrate their daughter's marriage. With days
to go, the final preparations are chaotically put in place…

Almost a week

I love how big things like this can go unnoticed. Wired News has an article about how a
bug in Microsoft's Internet Explorer could cause a web page to be able to format your hard drive. Hell it could
do anything actually. Slashdot was talking about how some script kiddy made a site showing how it could install
trogon virus. The kind they wage attacks with. If a kid was smart he could have it collect email addresses or
credit card numbers. Spam en…

Its about time.

I've gotten too many phone calls and emails about my *dire* situation. I figured that would make some kind of reactions but people thought I was buying drugs or hanging on the street. People! Just because I'm living in Jersey ::shakes head::

I took notes on the ordeal so I wouldn't forget.

It all stated with me and my friend Sarah talking about doing homework. We got food instead. Well we wanted to but it was 1 am and the food court had just clos…

Big update comming

I had quite a night but its too early in the morning for a real update. I've never had a drunk drug dealer throw eggs at me before. I've never had anyone throw eggs at me before. All because I didn't have a car! Dammit, all I wanted was a VW.


-Francis © 2025
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