
There are 359 posts with this tag.

Paper Shredder

I've been a real fucking waste lately. I haven't been getting up, or going to class, or feeling fulfilled or happy. At least I get my self out of the house at least once a day, and I try to be active if you call my sheet of everyday stretches (that I do maybe twice a week) active.

I got a review book for calculous, I doubt the professor will be ecstatic that I've missed class but, eh.

Symbolic logic I'm doing all the homework so I'll be caught up…


Well our fucking landlord wanted to up the rent to $360 per person (didn't matter who was living there). With the same for the security deposit. If he didn't want us living there he should have said something and not pulled this bull shit. Tomorrow I'm going to see if there are offices I can visit to make sure I got all the facts strait. But to be honest I'm going there because he's not treating us like tenants, he's treating us like children.

I …

This one's for Nina

So I went and got 2 new shirts and a calculous book this morning. I'd buy another shirt if they had it in red instead of "rust".

I'm going to spend the rest of the day working on Symbolic Logic (If I could get the dam homework site to load.) and at 3 I'll be viewing my new apartment with the owner and 2 prospective room mates.

I'm also about to go get a haircut. My hair has gotten a little out of control for my tastes. I'll have to see how short …

Car crash

So I was in an accident last night. (I'm posting this late - but the majority of it was written on the date given.)

Sorry Mom, I know you would have liked if I called. But I was ok and (luckily) it wasn't life threatening. I watched the car in front of me hit someone and veer off to the left. I watched the black mass of tire fly towards my windshield.

"Holy Shit!"

I got some minor damage, the sprawling mass of rubber and steel impacted with the f…

Spring Break

So I'm back. A week later and few dollars richer. I've decided that I can't wake up in the morning while in NYC. I've got an 18 year habbit of not sleeping at night in that city and while I tried quite hard, I could not break it. Thank god I have more luck here. (When I'm not up at this hour.)

I spent most of the week sleeping, I was going to say working but I slept through most of it. I did get a good 2 days worth in and got the cash to prove it…


Society passing on your essence so to speak. If you don't have a good one to remember your accomplishments and remember you then what are doing? You'll be forgotten.

Franks a long time ago told me about a musician named Muddy Waters. He's is quite good. You've heard his music before.

Mannish Boy
Ooooooh, yeah, ooh, yeah

Everythin', everythin', everytin's gonna be alright this mornin'
Ooh yeah, whoaw
Now when I was a young boy, at the age of five

Life is like a Tree

I'm thinking in this tree analogy. I'm somewhere up where the branches start.

I'm not sure what to do.

You see. Josh isn't going to be living off campus again. Too many surprise bills, people owing you money, etc. I agree its stressful not knowing how much money you're going to have at the end of the month and wondering if its going to be enough. In the short term I don't have to deal with those problems, in the long term I do.

I'm doing well in …

Site Maintnence

I upgraded Moveable Type today. You won't notice anything different about this upgrade either. ;-)

I'm off to go pick up Steff from the air port. I'll also be in Ny this weekend, I've got 2 birthdays to attend. Why was everyone conceived in June?


Beautiful day!

Rollerblading in the park, Yoga at night, Did good on a test, Went to Philly, got a package of Fresh Mozzarella and fresh bread from Frank. I love this weather it brings out the best in me.

I'm about to drive to class and my sunroof will be open. =D


To Be Humbled

Last night it rained. It was too cold for actual snow so a rain like ice storm took place in its stead. The already snow covered ground got a thin layer of ice. Not enough to cause any problems if you stepped on it and broke through to snow underneath (I love walking on snow like this by the way) but if it was on asphalt or concrete you have difficulty. To make matters worse the morning snow covered it all up so you couldn't tell one way or anoth…

TGI... the weekend!

Hello everybody.

Philadelphia is a wonderful city. It's got style, flare, and it's not New York. New York City is wonderful in its self but to have the same sort of gathering of culture somewhere else, filling a different city, its refreshing. And they have good cheesesteaks.

I consider myself lucky. I have Calculus 3 days a week (monday, wednesday, friday) at 8am, and Symbolic Logic twice a week (tuesday and thursday) at 9:50 am. I've got other …

"Also, I was standing in Target today and I almost started shooting people, but then I remembered I was real." - In reference to playing to much GTA: Vice City on

I used to play GTA3 all day and then when driving on the road I'd size up Ambulances and Fire Trucks. To be honest it was kind of creepy.

On a slightly related topic I had an awesome dream where I had to fight some guy and his shadow with my sword so I could get my shield … © 2025
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