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Harbor Fitness

So I walk up to my stoop today and find an add for Harbor Fitness with this naked lady squatting with her legs crossed right under their logo. She's not showing but she's wet, fit, and and on my stoop.

Now I don't give a shit normally. Pretty girls are pretty all the time I've never had a problem with a naked one either, and you know. Sex sells. But... we got an elementary school right across the street, a 2 Middle schools in the area and a lot o…

Bad Lieutenant

I don't know what to say about this movie. So I'll let someone from IMDB do the talking. I like what he has to say anyway.

didi-5 writes;

deeply unpleasant movie with a star performance

'Bad Lieutenant' is not an easy film to watch. The lead character on the surface has no redeeming virtues - he's corrupt, he's sexually and morally deviant, he is really and truly on the slide. A nun's rape is supposed to awaken his conscience in some way and affe…

What's in a blog

So I finish this big fight with my brother. It was needless and fruitless and it drove me nuts. The cause of all the madness, me trying to help my father.

Go figure.

So I did some good stuff today to unwind. I got to hang out with a very good friend of mine and watch Being John Malkovich.. the kind of friend who I haven't seen enough of and I'd like to see more of. I did some work in the morning and got most of my domains straightened out. I had …

So much this week.

I just need to get regular sleep.

and I've got a strong urge to go watch old horror movies with good company and some moonshine.


I miss you soo


This cat "Lokie" who isn't really my cat was my cat for a nice amount of time before I moved. He'd climb the back of my chair and knock things off my desk to get attention and he'd sit in anything he could get "in" to just to do it, but I loved him and miss him.

I'm such a whore

I stuck an amazon link at the very bottom on the main roborooter page, I don't like it there, its not even centered but this post is at like 4:30 in the morning so I'll fix it later.

If your going to buy anything from use that link there to get to the main page.

UPDATE: I changed it to a side bar thing. Much better but I'm still a whore. Not a good one though - I won't be getting too much money from this. And I'm not allowed to tell yo…

Jason's work is almost done

I've just got to start with the content. Funny I had wanted to do the content first. Well I should be able to get at least the index, the service (without products) and Support (without forums) pages to my liking. I'm still waiting to hear from Amazon on the product pages, and the ebay seller for Jason's power supply. His wen't poof the other day while he was in the middle of some development. So he needs a new one and I'm handling it. I'd like t…

A Good bye to my favorite character

I just finished watching The Sopranos. Last weeks episode (I've got HBO in-demand - but I download them anyway - the in-demand stuff doesn't work half the time ) Adriana La Cerva died. I... can't even express how sad her story is. I wish I could. It deserves to be told.


Coffee and Cigarettes and Park Slope

Coffe and Cigarettes is a movie thats out now at BAM (probably other odd theaters too). I'd take a look at the trailer if anything. It looks odd yet fun and the cast is so amazing that I'm wondering what the hell is going on. You've got everyone from Roberto Benigni to Bill Murray to The White Stripes each in their own skit in this film.

(Btw I'm hosting that trailer off my own server not apples so if you want a link to show your friends either s…

American Beauty and Troy

Troy was good, Achilles was valiant and could care less about the war and his part was played well. It wasn't Gladiator epic, but It shouldn't have had been.

American Beauty was... beautiful =)


PS. Alright you deserve a better update then this. I've been moving, I've got most of my stuff here in ny and I'm trying to not live out of stolen milk crates (I've got sooo many.) I've been spending quality time with old friends but I need to go …

Donie Darko

I should have gone to bed, but I don't regret it. I just got to watch my very own copy of Donie Darko. I got it for my birthday and had lent it to my brother. I'm glad I have it back. It's such a story.

(I've got about 1000 thoughts I want to share inspired from this movie. About love, hate, time travel, alternate dimensions, pre-destiny, self censorship, small town society, beliefs and how then can consume, and some more on love.)

I'm a firm bel…

4 of 4!!!!!

404? no! I finished my last final project!

I haven't Showered, or Shaved, or Changed since I started this thing 3 days ago. I want to play City of Heros! But I want to be clean a whole lot more. I also need to get josh melissa's rent (she's good for it) in cash so it clears before our rent check.

!!!! =0

I'm done!

btw if your ever programing in java and you get a problem with serialization give up right away. Its not worth it.

Java makes a much b…

3 of 4

A lot of talk coming about where I should live, what school I should attend, jobs, career choices, everything. I don't even want to think about it.

Final 3 of 4 was in Calculous. I did so/so. I'll know for sure sometime in two weeks.


2 of 4

I was too blown away by my second final last night to post. It wasn't *that* hard, it was just a mind fuck. Thank you Dr. Provine! I'll recommend this professor to anyone who wants to learn and can take a little bit of pressure. He's certainly not the type to do all the teaching him self.

"What's blah and blah?"
"I don't know." (lie) "What do you think blah and blah is?"

I'm off to my calc final, I suck so much at this, I feel like I've been taki…

1 of 4

I just finished 1 final and I'm left with the remaining 3.

My second one is tonight at 6:30.

At 10:15 I sat down for my symbolic logic final. I had actually gotten there early so you could say I sat down at 10:10 for the final but the professor didn't show until 10:15. I took the test and brought it up to the front. I wasn't the first one finished but I was hardly the last. I did rather well I think, there was nothing I couldn't figure out eventu… © 2025
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