
There are 359 posts with this tag.

Wish List

I can wish =)

My Wish List

I also revamped the fluff part on the bottom right. Since I don't buy groceries that often, I thought I'd make the links more clear.

Where are you on the internet?

I've got a nice compact archive for the majority of my writings. Inspired by Steve Yeggie mentioning he found posts of 16 year old him on usenet (his chat here), I decided to look into me. I don't think there is a single other place I've written more then for here. There's a distinct possiblility of instant messaging being a larger repository of my thoughts and plans, but I'm goign to argue it's a different medium. Those messages (Adium's got 844…

Full Circle

I'm hesitant to even mention what's going on politically and financially this week so instead I'll leave you with an excerpt from Franklin D. Roosevelt's first inaugural address that he gave March 4th 1933. The emphasis is mine.

True they have tried, but their efforts have been cast in the pattern of an outworn tradition. Faced by failure of credit they have proposed only the lending of more money. Stripped of the lure of profit by which to indu…


Rummaging though some old files I had left at my Godfather's house (a former residence) I found what was left of my Father's educational folders from my childhood. Why I have these files is beyond me, they seem like something that should belong in a baby book, like it's something my parents should have held onto, or silently discarded. When it was thrust upon me a few years ago I had no idea what to do with it, so it got stuck in a cabinet only t…

The MTA doesn't take my house keys

As I was walking towards the turnstiles I dug into my pocket for my authentication. Its the wrong way to think about metrocards but I can't help it. Security, passwords, authentication, identification and privacy have all dug their ways into my consciousness. I'm faced with a plethora of different systems all requiring me to prove something one way or another. If its not the subway wanting proof of fair, its my phone wanting to be unlocked for ac…

The New York Times and my brother

My brother was quoted recently in the New York Times ... again.

"We used their surface and projected the truth onto it."

He didn't actually say that but the sentiment is there. They also got his age wrong. A few years prior they wrote an article about the high school he went to. The reporter talks about him a bit but only has once quote.

"So, is there a proposal, or did you just want to open the discussion?"

And again a number of years prior …

Tibeten Take Down

Even with my brothers involvement, I haven't really touted what's going on Tibet and with the controversy with this year's Olympics. Even though one my favorite bands (Radiohead) came on stage the other night with a their instruments draped with Tibetan flags after they had a professor from Columbia talk to us for about half an hour about what's going on, even though I know the issues, I still have been silent. At least here.

I do talk about thin…

Story Arcs and my failed attempt.

I had a plan.

  1. Make the Hacker Crackdown Available as a torrent file. (You can just grab the full download if you like.)
  2. Educate about what comcast was doing (blocking torrents)
  3. Complain that while the torrent's flowing nicely a bunch of specific people had trouble torrenting it. Specifically the Comcast customers.(Not a complete lie, the torrent had about 250 downloads as far as I could tell and at one point 17 seeds. But if you were a comcast c…

This was Worth(1000) it

Despite my title referencingworth 1000this photos comes to us from Gizmodo's own Photoshop contest. (Click the image to see more of it). I find this kind of stuff cute, but I think other people think I find it offensive. Not that I'm a great defender of art, but I'm a great believer in less surveillance. As England is proving, we as humans don't know how to manage ubiquitous surveillance. Recordings are lost, they don't seem to stop crime, and …


I've met so many good and nice people over the past few days I can hardly believe there is still one more to go. I want to thank the presenters (even the girl who had the Zuse room before me who had trouble with her crowd), I want to thank TELEPHREAK and GiD for the projector, and all the people who learned something from me today. (Including those two drunk couples on the train home. I couldn't have hoped for a better response to my cards.) I ca…

The Quick and the Dead

Dreamhost decided to revert my database back to just before I finished this post, effectively unpublishing it and returning the rest of my typos. I thankfully left it open in a browser on my laptop. So this post is now amazing, not because it's any good, but because it survived being put down like a sick dog. It gets to live.

I'm on hold trying to straiten out 3 of 4 billing snafus companies have me in. The first two were easy, this one Broadvoic…

Time to listen up. FISA vote postponed until tomorrow.

The vote for theFISA Amendments Actwas postponed until tomorrow. I don't know why.

Let me start with three things. The last one being something new and more important.

  1. You know my position on

    Telecommunication Immunity

    that is only part of the bill. And frankly I think I missed the point. The FISA Amendments Act would not only grant immunity to the crimes committed but it would grant immunity to


    crimes they might have committed without rev…

Subway Search Education

This morning I put a few more of my Subway Search Information cards out on the subway. Sticking them on the sides of existing advertising. (I stay away from the maps and anything remotely like a PSA - no need to block any of those.) People always look at me funny when I do it. I always assume it's because they figure I'm trying to sell something. So I usually do it right before I get off the train or late at night when there's not a lot of people… © 2025
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