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I've been using this avatar for years. Since early 2001 at the very least.

Original Avatar

That's as original as I can find it, its a 64x64 px gif that best as I remember came from a PHP-Nuke forum pack. It's been my buddy icon, my profile pic, my tag. It's probably one of the oldest piece of digital information I have. I even lost it at one point and had to find old backups of to bring it back. Yesterday it was suggested to me by Andrew that inste…

1952 vs 1992

I got this in my email today. It blew me away.
Lawrence's 2nd birthday.

Compare it to me around that age.
Me around age 8

My dad looks like a cross between my brother and myself. My grandfather... well he just looks young, and quite happy. This photo and a few others came from a new cousin that found us from Kansas City Missouri. I want to publish his collection. It's not one we had ourselves. Also kudos to the kid with the Brooklyn Tech shirt, it's still the same one they use for gym…

Wish List

I can wish =)

My Wish List

I also revamped the fluff part on the bottom right. Since I don't buy groceries that often, I thought I'd make the links more clear.

Viridian Design

I really like Bruce Sterling. I've written about his work before. But I'll be honest, I'm not really sure what he's going on about with regards to Viridian Design. It's a series that he's been writing since 1998, for ten years, and I think he just ended it.

Jumping around on that site I found this passage following a few paragraphs on how owning and carrying a mulitool changes how you look at the world.

Now to confront the possessions you alread…

Election maps

Election maps.

This site demonstrates a point that I was talking about the other day. There is a lot fewer people in the "Bread Basket" then there are along the coasts (Including the Gulf of Mexico). I was relating the age of the civilization in the area of the country to it's tolerance for cultures and it's diversity. Notice I said relating, not correlating. I don't have any data for this theory yet, just some poor observations.

Election results…


I shut down my Moblog today. It turned up from some of the google searches I was doing with my various usernames over the years. Moblog is a place where you can send photos and it makes a little blog out of them. Not too much different from flickr or some of the other places on the net. When I joined up they didn't even have a US presence it was or something.

Their main goal was to target the camera phone market and since I had just gotten…

Where are you on the internet?

I've got a nice compact archive for the majority of my writings. Inspired by Steve Yeggie mentioning he found posts of 16 year old him on usenet (his chat here), I decided to look into me. I don't think there is a single other place I've written more then for here. There's a distinct possiblility of instant messaging being a larger repository of my thoughts and plans, but I'm goign to argue it's a different medium. Those messages (Adium's got 844…

Big Picture

Sarah showed me Boston'sBig Pictureblog.

Click on it for a full size version. Its the same photoI posted years ago.

Full Circle

I'm hesitant to even mention what's going on politically and financially this week so instead I'll leave you with an excerpt from Franklin D. Roosevelt's first inaugural address that he gave March 4th 1933. The emphasis is mine.

True they have tried, but their efforts have been cast in the pattern of an outworn tradition. Faced by failure of credit they have proposed only the lending of more money. Stripped of the lure of profit by which to indu…

Moving Day

Updating has been difficult lately. Mostly because I've moved! I'm now about 5 blocks further away from the hosue I grew up in. Every year I seem to go 5 more blocks down 8th ave.Getting all of our stuff into this new house was a chore. Andrew and myself have just a tad too many things to throw in a bag and deliver to a new homestead. It would have been an impossible task if it weren't for a few friends who showed up in the nick of time to lend …

Windows update fails

I had a problem this week. I actually had the same problem lots of times. It was fustrating as hell.

I had quite a few Windows XP instalations to do, with new employees soon to arrive at work, new laptops arriving with Vista, and some old desktops that needed 'decrufting' in their OSes. I have a slipstreamed windows xp cd with sp2 that I like to use. I haven't bothered updating it to sp3 because I haven't made the time and for a while I didn't th…

Yearly GPG Key

My GPG key for the next year can be found at his address.

I've had a few others for my address over the years, but somehow I always loose them. The private key that is. It's usually because I don't use them that much. There are only a handful of people out there I communicate with that know what gpg is, know how to use it, want to use it, and most importantly need to use…


Rummaging though some old files I had left at my Godfather's house (a former residence) I found what was left of my Father's educational folders from my childhood. Why I have these files is beyond me, they seem like something that should belong in a baby book, like it's something my parents should have held onto, or silently discarded. When it was thrust upon me a few years ago I had no idea what to do with it, so it got stuck in a cabinet only t…

The MTA doesn't take my house keys

As I was walking towards the turnstiles I dug into my pocket for my authentication. Its the wrong way to think about metrocards but I can't help it. Security, passwords, authentication, identification and privacy have all dug their ways into my consciousness. I'm faced with a plethora of different systems all requiring me to prove something one way or another. If its not the subway wanting proof of fair, its my phone wanting to be unlocked for ac… © 2025
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